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Triquetrum/Kepler Feature
This page consists of notes about how the Triquetrum/Kepler Triquetrum Repository was created. See Triquetrum/Kepler for an overview.
Creating a new Kepler Bundle
- Create the plug-in,
- In Eclipse: File -> New Plug-in Project
- In the dialog, set the Project Name: to org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp
- Click Next, then Finish
- In the org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp package, update MANIFEST.MF:
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui, org.eclipse.core.runtime,, org.apache.commons.logging, ptolemy.gui, ptolemy.core, ptolemy.moml,
- Create the p2.inf file (See Creating an actor bundle)
- Open the project, click on META-INF, highlight the p2.inf file and select copy
- In the org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp project click on META-INF and paste
- The p2.inf file will be created.
- In the org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp project, right click on the src icon and click New -> Class
- Change the package to
- We will update the enclosing type later
- Use File -> Open to open the kepler/ddp-common/src/org/kepler/ddp/actor/ file, copy and paste it in to the newly created file
- There will be lots of errors.
Fix the compilation errors in
Below are the steps taken to fix the compilation errors in
The import cannot be found
The error:
Solution: Add the following to org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp MANIFEST.MF under Require-Bundle:,
Various Kepler classes are missing
In ExecutionChoice, these imports are failing:
import; import; import org.kepler.ddp.gui.ExecutionChoiceEditorFactory; import org.kepler.ddp.gui.ExecutionChoiceEditorPane; import org.kepler.provenance.ProvenanceRecorder; import org.kepler.reporting.ReportingListener
The solution is to copy them over. An alternative would be to use the Eclipse projects for these Kepler projects.
(cd ~/src/kepler/build-area/src; \ tar -cf - org/kepler/build/modules/{Module,ModuleTree}.java) \ | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq03JunB/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp/src/; tar -xvf -) (cd ~/src/kepler/ddp-common/src; \ tar -cf - org/kepler/ddp/gui/ExecutionChoiceEditor{Factory,Pane}.java) \ | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq03JunB/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp/src/; tar -xvf -) (cd ~/src/kepler/provenance/src; \ tar -cf - org/kepler/provenance/ \ | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq03JunB/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp/src/; tar -xvf -) (cd ~/src/kepler/reporting/src; \ tar -cf - org/kepler/reporting/ \ | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq03JunB/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp/src/; tar -xvf -)
Various Ptolemy Classes are Missing
DDFDirector, various actor.hoc, KeplerDocumentationAttribute and LibraryAttribute classes are missing, so we copy them over.
FIXME: These should be added as a bundle to Triquetrum.
(cd $PTII; \ tar -cf - ptolemy/domains/ddf/kernel/{DDFDirector,ActorEnablingStatus}.java \ ptolemy/actor/util/ \ ptolemy/actor/lib/hoc/{Case,CaseDirector,MultiCompositeActor,MultiCompositePort,Refinement,RefinementPort}.java \ ptolemy/actor/util/ ptolemy/math/ \ ptolemy/vergil/basic/{DocAttribute,KeplerDocumentationAttribute}.java \ ptolemy/moml/ \ | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq03JunB/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp-common/src/; tar -xvf -)
The error is:
Description Resource Path Location Type Configuration cannot be resolved to a type /org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp/src/org/kepler/ddp/actor/pattern line 258 Java Problem
The issue is that these imports in DDPDataSink are not present
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
One solution would be to import the jars from ~/KeplerData/workflows/module/hadoop/tools/share/hadoop/
A better solution would be to find a hadoop Eclipse bundle upon which we could depend.
Kepler provides a hadoop project that could be helpful here!
Solution: Right click on the org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path and add the following package dependencies
- ddp-common
- hadoop
Packaging the plugin(s) for your RCP editor
See Packaging the plugin(s) for your RCP editor
Create a simple (non-Java plugin): File -> New Plug-in Project.
- Name: org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp.palette
- Uncheck Create a Java Project
- Click Next, then Finish
Right click on the newly created project, select File -> New -> File and create plugin.xml.
plugin.xml should look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?eclipse version="3.4"?> <plugin> <extension name="Triquetrum palette ExecutionChoice extension" point="org.eclipse.triquetrum.workflow.editor.paletteContribution"> <group displayName="Examples"> <entry class="" displayName="ExecutionChoice" type="Actor"> </entry> </group> </extension> </plugin>
MANIFEST.MF should look like:
Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Palette entry for ExecutionChoice Bundle-SymbolicName: org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp.palette;singleton:=true Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.triquetrum.workflow.editor;bundle-version="1.0.0"
For details, see Triquetrum/Extending_Triquetrum#Implementing_an_actor_feature.
- File -> New -> Feature Project
- Name: org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp.feature
- Finish
feature.xml should contain:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feature id="org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp.feature" label="Feature" version="1.0.0.qualifier"> <requires> <import plugin="org.eclipse.ui"/> <import plugin="org.eclipse.core.runtime"/> <import plugin=""/> <import plugin="org.apache.commons.logging"/> <import plugin="org.ptolemy.commons"/> <import plugin="ptolemy.gui"/> <import plugin="ptolemy.core"/> <import plugin="ptolemy.moml"/> <import plugin=""/> <import plugin="org.eclipse.triquetrum.workflow.editor" version="1.0.0" match="greaterOrEqual"/> </requires> <plugin id="org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp" download-size="0" install-size="0" version="0.0.0" unpack="false"/> <plugin id="org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp.palette" download-size="0" install-size="0" version="0.0.0"/> </feature>
Creating the Feature
For details, see Triquetrum/Extending_Triquetrum#Installing_the_feature_in_your_workbench.
Using the actor
Erwin suggested that running an update from a Triquetrum launched from another Eclipse is complex and that it would be better to Download a Triquetrum and run it.