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Triquetrum/Kepler Triquetrum Repository

Below are the steps necessary to build the Kepler actors for use in Triquetrum.

This is a work in progress and intended only for experienced developers.

Note that this is not yet working, see Triquetrum Kepler Status.

  1. Build Triquetrum from source
  2. Install Kepler in the workspace
  3. Import the Kepler/Triquetrum projects
    1. Copy the Git repo URL:
    2. In the Git Repositories pane, right click and select Paste Repository Path or URI
    3. Create the Repo
  4. In the Git Repositories pane, right click on the keplerTriquetrum repository and select Import Projects, then hit Next and Finish.
  5. In the org.triquetrum.kepler.ddp.feature project, click on Update Site Project
    1. The project name is
    2. Leave Use default location checked
    3. Click Finish
  6. In Update Site Map,
    1. Click on Add Feature and add org.kepler.triquetrum.ddp.feature, located at the bottom
      1. Click on Synchronize and then build.
  7. It is best to Download a standalone Triquetrum build and add the update location to it. It is very complex to add an update location to Triquetrum instance that was started from the Eclipse RCP instance. Instead, use a downloaded version of Triquetrum. Note that under El Capitan, to start the downloaded Eclipse binary, it will be necessary to right click and select Open
  8. In the newly started Triquetrum, select Help -> Install New Software
    1. Click on Add, then Local
      1. In the Add Browser dialog, browse to the location on the file system of the directory, which is typically ~/Documents/Workspace/ and click OK.
      2. Enter any name, such ask KeplerTriquetrum
      3. Click on OK
    2. In the Install dialog
      1. Expand uncategorized, select the feature, then click through the dialogs, restarting Triquetrum

See Also

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