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Graphical Modeling Framework/Documentation/Index
- 1 WARNING!! Most of the links on this page are invalid, as they link to the old (lost) bugzilla system.
- 2 GMF
- 3 GMF Concepts
- 4 GMF-Tooling / Generation Framework
- 5 GMF-Runtime
- 6 Performance
- 7 Draw2D
- 8 GMF Constraints
- 9 GMF-Troubleshooting
- 10 EMF / eCore / Domain Model
- 11 GEF
- 12 Resources
- 13 TODO
- 14 Example Resource Structure / Template
WARNING!! Most of the links on this page are invalid, as they link to the old (lost) bugzilla system.
This page serves as an index for GMF documentation found in various places: wiki, help, presentations, articles, etc..
If you're new to GMF, start reading:
- the overview
- the tooling/ generation framework tutorials
- the webinars.
If you come across documentation that is relevant to a particular topic, feel free to add a reference below. We need your contribution!
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview of GMF | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.4 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview over GMF-Tooling / Generation Framework | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.40 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF: Bridge between EMF & GEF | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.41 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview Generative + Runtime Component | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.27ff | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Variation points & customization options | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.3f | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Variation points & customization options | ||||| | 0 | Article | Jeff Richley | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Introductory article on GMF at | |||||
EclipseCon 2006 | 0 | Presentation | Borland, IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Introduction to GMF |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Graphical Modeling Framework FAQ | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Official GMF FAQs | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.7 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: What is GMF? (1 page) | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.8 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Why may GMF be of interest to me? (1 page) | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.9 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: When should I consider GMF? (1 page) | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.10 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: When should I NOT consider GMF (1 page) |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Best Practices | P.39 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF 1.0 -> 2.0 | |||||
What's New and Noteworthy - 1.0 | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: New and Noteworthy - 1.0 | |||||
GMF Documentation | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: New and Noteworthy - 1.0M3-1.0M6 | |||||
GMF 2.0 New and Noteworthy | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF 2.0 New and Noteworthy | |||||
GMF New and Noteworthy | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Current GMF New and Noteworthy for next release | |||||
GMF Migration | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: About GMF Migration from one version to another. | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.56 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Migrating shapes from existing GEF Editors |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Build Instructions | 0 | Info | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Newsgroup @ eclipse.modeling.gmf (current) (archived) CVS Repository /cvsroot/modeling/org.eclipse.gmf (moved from /cvsroot/technology) Repository for e.g. UML2Tools /cvsroot/eclipse fckLRfckLR* Note you can also search the newsgroupfckLR* and you can search for bugs, too. Note that bugs also contain articles under construction.fckLR Template:GMF Index ExternalResource/EntryfckLRTemplate:GMF Index ExternalResource/EntryfckLRTemplate:GMF Index ExternalResource/EntryfckLRTemplate:GMF Index ExternalResource/EntryfckLRfckLR |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
0 | API | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF Runtime API | |||||
0 | API | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF Generation Framework API |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
CVS | 0 | Tools | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Location of DevTools: Repository: /cvsroot/modeling | ||||| | 0 | Tool | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: 'Insider' creates snapshots of active editor. | ||||| | 0 | Tool | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: 'EditPart Tracer' hooks to EditPart.getCommand(Request) and fills view with invocation dumps. |
Use Case
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
From Front End To Code - MDSD in Practice | P.26 | Article | Markus Voelter, Bernd Kolb, Sven Efftinge, and Arno Haase | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Complete Use Case including GMF + oAW. How to get usable graphical and textual editors for your domain specific language (DSL), how to validate your models against your metamodels, how to define model modifications and transformations and finally, how to write scalable, maintainable and extensible code generators | |||||
GMF Wiki | 0 | Guide | Norbert Schöpke | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Diagram Partitioning Cookbook moved from the newsgroup. |
GMF Concepts
Articles about diagram editor concepts and how they are supported in GMF tooling (definition, mapping, generation).
GMF Nodes
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Wiki | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Empty right now |
GMF Links
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Wiki | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
GMF Labels
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Wiki | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF Label types and how they are realized in : |
GMF-Tooling / Generation Framework
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.18 | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Goals of Gen-Framework | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.12 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Tooling Component-Quick Intro (1 page) |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Best Practices | P.44 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Transf. from GMFMap -> GMFGen |
GMF uses the template engine xPand from open Architecture Ware. The current Version of GMF 2.0 uses the template engine of oAW V 4.1.
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
OpenArchitectureWare | 0 | Videos | Voelter | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Nice Tutorial-Videos. | |||||
OpenArchitectureWare | 0 | Documentation(html) | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Official oAW 4.2 Documentation for online viewing (html). | |||||
OpenArchitectureWare | 0 | Documentation(PDF) | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Official oAW 4.2 Documentation as PDF. | |||||
OpenArchitectureWare | 0 | Wiki | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: oAW Wiki. | |||||
OpenArchitectureWare | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: xPand Language Reference. V 4.1 | |||||
OpenArchitectureWare | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Expression Language Reference (Part of xPand). V 4.1 | |||||
OpenArchitectureWare | 0 | Forum | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Forum of oAW. | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.17 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Use of dynamic templates | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.15f | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Change element's icon via template | |||||
From Front End To Code - MDSD in Practice | P.19ff | Article | Markus Voelter, Bernd Kolb, Sven Efftinge, and Arno Haase | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: CodeGen Examples |
GMF Gen Model
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial | 0 | Tutorial | Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Code Generation description + generator meta-model | |||||
GMF GenModel Documentation | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Official GenModel Documentation | |||||
GMF GenModel Hints | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF GenModel Hints. Various GenModel attributes & options are explained here | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.20-24 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Decorate GMF-Gen and Meta-Model | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.45 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF-Gen variability points | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.23 | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF gen model definition | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.26 | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Gen->Code overview | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.21 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Short Intro to GmfGen (1 page). Note that now JET is not used any more as template language but xPand. | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.26 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Template location for GmfGen(1 page) |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF GenModel Hints | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GenEditorGenerator options & attributes are explained |
GenLabel / LabelModelFacet
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Wiki | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF Labels in GmfGen |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF GenModel Hints | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GenDiagram options & attributes are explained including Diagram group, Editor group and Providers group |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF GenModel Hints | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GenPlugin options & attributes are explained |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF GenModel Hints | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GenEditorView options & attributes are explained |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Reconciler | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: The GMF Reconciler handles the 'protected areas' for GmfMap->GmfGen |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial 2 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Shortcut description + example. ![]() |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF GenModel Hints | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explains GenNavigator options & attributes | |||||
GMF Tutorial 4 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Short explanation of project navigator customization |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF GenModel Hints | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GenPropertySheet options & attributes are explained including GenStandardPropertyTab, GenCustomPropertyTab , Tuning property sheet, no property sheet at all, Add new page, Remove predefined page, Adding section to predefined page, Another tab name for standard page, Prohibit properties editing, Property sheet title and Adding a column to the standard properties view | |||||
GMF Propsheet Customization | 0 | Tutorial | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Propsheet Customization Tutorial | |||||
GMF Propsheet Customization With GmfUI 2.1 | 0 | Tutorial | N/A | E | Marc |
Description: Propsheet Customization Tutorial with GmfUI 2.1 | |||||
GMF Tutorial 4 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Short explanation of property sheet customization |
Custom Behaviour
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF GenModel Hints] | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explains how to add Custom Behavior. Custom Behavior is basically a representation of GEF's EditPolicy. | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.10 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Add custom behavior via gen-model example ![]() |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF RCP Support | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Official GMF RCP Support man-page | |||||
GMF Tutorial 4 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explains RCP Gen features |
GMF Graph
Note that GmfGraph is the model for the most common Draw2D figures. To create CustomFigures programmatically look at the Draw2D Section of this index.
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Mindmap Tutorial Part 2 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Graphical Definition description + example | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.25f | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Extend GmfGraph to add gradient figures | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.43 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMFGraph variability points | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.20 | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF-Graph definition | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.17f | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GmfGraph short intro + Concepts (2 pages) | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.26 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Template location for GmfGraph(1 page) |
Custom Figures
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Graph Hints | 0 | Link to newsgroup | Michael Golubev (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: HowTo start with custom figures (links to newsgroup entry) | |||||
GMF Graph Hints | 0 | Snippet | Michael Golubev (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: HowTo Scalable/resizable figures | |||||
GMF Tutorial BPMN | 0 | Tutorial | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Custom Figures example | |||||
GMF Tutorial BPMN | 0 | Tutorial | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Custom Figures example with SVGs |
Composite Figures
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial 3 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Composite figures example |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMFGraph Hints | 0 | Scenario | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: How can I use CustomLayout and what is purpose of the CustomAttribute |
Polyline Decorations
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial 2 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Polyline decoration example | |||||
Draw2D Documentation | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Adding Decorations and Children to Connections is mentioned here. |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Wiki | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Describes Labels in GmfGraph |
Evolution of GMFGraph Metamodel
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Evolution of GMFGraph Metamodel | 0 | N/A | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Evolution of GMFGraph Metamodel |
GMF Tool Model
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial | 0 | Tutorial | Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Tooling Definition description + example | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.21 | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF tooling definition | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.19 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Lists concepts of GmfTool (1 page) |
GMF Mapping Model
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Mapping Definition description + example | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.22 | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF mapping model definition | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.24 | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Mapping Example | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.20 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Short Intro to GmfMap (1 page) |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial 2 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Description what compartments are + example. Click here for the mapping part |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Wiki | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Describes Labels in GmfMap |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial 2 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Validation description + example. |
Use Cases / Code Snippets / Scenarios
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF MapModel Hints | 0 | Scenario | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Show children elements from non-containment feature | |||||
GMF MapModel Hints | 0 | Scenario | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Endless/recursive hierarchies | |||||
GMF MapModel Hints | 0 | Scenario | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Use same creation tool to create various diagram elements | |||||
GMF MapModel Hints | 0 | Snippet | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Specialize domain element | |||||
GMF MapModel Hints | 0 | Scenario | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Init Diagram File Action doesn't work with nested container! | |||||
GMF MapModel Hints | 0 | Scenario | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Init Diagram File Action doesn't work with nested container! |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Introducing the GMF Runtime | 0 | Article | IBM,F. Plante | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Good introduction to the GMF runtime | |||||
P.5 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Short explanation what GMF-Runtime does | |||||
P.6ff | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF runtime architecture | |||||
P.9ff | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview of reusable runtime components | |||||
0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Architecture with addition of 2 tier model layer to support generic notation meta-model | |||||
0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF Extension Points API | |||||
P.29-35 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Runtime intro + architecture + dependencies |
Extension Points / Services
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Services | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Definition | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.37f | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: List of available extension points | |||||
Extensibility | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: The extensibility of GMF is an area where the platform differs greatly from the GEF mechanism for integrating a domain editor | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.38f | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Diagram + List of available services (2 pages) |
Customization Plug-in
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial 3 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explanation why a customization plug-in is needed / useful |
View /Styles
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
View Service | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.29f | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Styles. How to add persistent properties to the notation view elements | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.50 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: How to add persistent properties to the notation view elements |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
EditPart Service | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview / Definition | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.28 | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Demonstration of adding filter functionality to an EditPart | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.34ff | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Demonstration how EditPart listens to domain model changes | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.41 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Behavior-diagram of EditPart creation & exectuion. | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.49 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Customized EditPart example which uses RenderImage |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
EditPolicy Service | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview / Definition | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.7f | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Example for pop-up dialog on double click to modify an element. | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.9 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Add custom behavior via edit policy example | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.53 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Steps to change double click action via an EditPolicy | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.54 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Steps for changing Drag & Drop via DragDropEditPolicy |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Palette Service | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview / Definition | |||||
GMF Tutorial 3 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: How to remove tools from the palette |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Decoration Service | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview / Definition | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.44ff | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: How to add shape decoration | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.55 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Steps to install shape decoration via AbstractParserProvider. |
Layout / Arrange behavior
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Layout Service | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview / Definition | |||||
GMF Tutorial 3 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Custom layout example | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.52ff | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: How to change default arrange behavior of an existing diagram |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Documentation | 0 | Tutorial | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Developer Guide to Global Actions. How to add support for global actions e.g. Add support for new Eclipse global action such as cut, copy and paste. | |||||
GMF Tutorial 3 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Custom actions example | |||||
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.31ff | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: How to add custom action to the editor | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.52 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Steps for adding user invoked action on a shape |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial 3 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: How to change icons + example | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.14 | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Change element's icon via extension point | |||||
GMF Best Practices | P.12f | Presentation | Borland,A.Tikhomirov,A.Shatalin | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Change element's icon via modifying generated code |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.51 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Customizing text input and display by overriding existing providers (parser) |
Use Cases / Code Snippets / Scenarios
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tips | 0 | Snippet | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Code Snippet for Creating New Elements And Corresponding Views | |||||
GMF Tips | 0 | Snippet | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Code Snippet for Changing Names Of Newly Created Elements via Command / CommandStack. | |||||
GMF Tips | 0 | Snippet | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Code Snippet for Creating New Elements Using RecordingCommand and CanonicalEditPolicies | |||||
GMF Tips | 0 | Snippet | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Code Snippet for Removing the Property Sheet | |||||
GMF Tips | 0 | Snippet | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Code Snippet for Sharing single EditingDomain instance across several diagrams | |||||
GMF Tips | 0 | Snippet | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Code Snippet for Making figures sensitive to attributes of semantic elements | |||||
GMF-Wiki Uni-Karlsruhe | 0 | Wiki | N/A | Ger | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Mehrere Diagramme auf einer einzigen Editing Domain | |||||
GMF-Wiki Uni-Karlsruhe | 0 | Wiki | N/A | Ger | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Elemente konfigurieren während sie angelegt werden |
Notation Meta-Model
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Notation meta-model | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: The unifying force of GMF is the notation meta-model which provides the concrete link between the EMF and GEF. | |||||
GMF Tutorial | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Running the Diagram short description + notation meta model | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.36f | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Notation meta-model overview + core structure |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Creation of an element in GMF | 0 | Documentation | IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Sequence diagrams showing the creation of an element in GMF | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.42-46 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Sequence diagrams of how shapes are created in GMF & GEF |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime | P.37ff | Presentation | IBM, A.Hunter,M.Mostafa | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Improve memory usage | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.57 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Performance tips |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Draw2d API | 0 | API | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Draw2D API |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Draw2d Programmer's Guide | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Draw2D default documentation | |||||
Draw2d Overview | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Draw2D Overview | |||||
Using GEF and EMF | 3.2 (p.107ff) | Book | IBM,B.Moore,D.Dean,A.Gerber,G.Wagenknecht,P.Vanderheyden | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Introduction to Draw2D | ||||| | 0 | Article | Marco van Meegen | GER | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Diagramme selbst gemalt |
Use Case
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Display a UML Diagram using Draw2D | 0 | Article | Daniel Lee, IBM | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: This article focuses only on the use of Draw2D to render a simple UML class diagram |
Figures / Painting
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Painting of Figures | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explains major figure fuctions + Z-order and clipping |
Major Features
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Using GEF and EMF | 3.2.5 (p.111ff) | Book | IBM,B.Moore,D.Dean,A.Gerber,G.Wagenknecht,P.Vanderheyden | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Major features |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Using GEF and EMF | 3.2.5 (p.111f) | Book | IBM,B.Moore,D.Dean,A.Gerber,G.Wagenknecht,P.Vanderheyden | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Borders |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Draw2D Documentation | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explains Layout including Validation, Preferred Size, causes of layout changes, top-town layout and special purpose layout techniques. | |||||
Using GEF and EMF | 3.2.5 (p.112f) | Book | IBM,B.Moore,D.Dean,A.Gerber,G.Wagenknecht,P.Vanderheyden | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Layouts |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Using GEF and EMF | 3.2.5 (p.113f) | Book | IBM,B.Moore,D.Dean,A.Gerber,G.Wagenknecht,P.Vanderheyden | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Layers |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Using GEF and EMF | 3.2.5 (p.114f) | Book | IBM,B.Moore,D.Dean,A.Gerber,G.Wagenknecht,P.Vanderheyden | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Locators |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Draw2D Documentation | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explains Draw2D Connections and Routing including Connection Usage, Routing and Anchors, Adding Decorations and Children to Connections and Connection Layout. | |||||
Using GEF and EMF | 3.2.5 (p.115) | Book | IBM,B.Moore,D.Dean,A.Gerber,G.Wagenknecht,P.Vanderheyden | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Connection anchors | |||||
Connections and Routing | 0 | Tutorial | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Connections HowTo | |||||
Using GEF and EMF | 3.2.5 (p.115f) | Book | IBM,B.Moore,D.Dean,A.Gerber,G.Wagenknecht,P.Vanderheyden | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Connection routers |
Hit Testing
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Draw2d Documentation | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explains how hit testing work in Draw2D |
Coordinate System
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Draw2d Documentation | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Draw2D Coordinate System is explained including Relative vs. Absolute, Other Coordinate Systems and Working with Absolute Coordinates. |
GMF Constraints
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Wiki | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: GMF Constraints, offical documentation. Mentions
Feature Initializers
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Wiki | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Official documentation describing Domain Element Initializers | |||||
GMF Tutorial 2 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Description for what feature initializers are useful + example. Click here for the mapping part | |||||
GMF Tutorial BPMN | 0 | Tutorial | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Feature Initializers example |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial BPMN | 0 | Tutorial | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: OCL example |
Link Constraints
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Wiki | 0 | Documentation | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explains Link Constraints: used to control the process of visual connection creation(...) | |||||
GMF Tutorial 2 | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Link constraint example with OCL |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Troubleshooting Guide | 0 | Guide | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Explains common errors & how to solve them. | |||||
GMFGraph Hints | 0 | Scenario | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: What to do with strange ClassCastException while working with (say, opening in editor, validating or generating code from) GMFGraph resource |
EMF / eCore / Domain Model
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF Tutorial | 0 | Tutorial | Borland, Richard Gronback | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Domain Model Definition description + example | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.5 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview over EMF in 1 page | |||||
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.14 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Domain Model-Short Intro (1 page) | |||||
Modeling Rule-Based Systems with EMF | 0 | Article | Chaur G. Wu | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Modeling Rule-Based Systems with EMF |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
EMFT | 0 | Tool | N/A | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: EMF Compare brings model comparison to the EMF framework, this tool provides generic support for any kind of metamodel in order to compare and merge models |
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF | P.6 | Presentation | Frederic Plante (IBM), Steven R. Shaw (IBM) and Artem Tikhomirov (Borland) | E | Stefan Kuhn, Orientation in Objects |
Description: Overview over GEF in 1 page |
- GMF Documentation Main Page
- Developer Guide to Diagram Runtime Framework
- Developer Guide to Global Actions
Generation Framework
- GMF Tutorials: I, II, III, IV
- GMF Tutorial BPMN
- GMF Best Practices
- Extending your DSM by leveraging the GMF Runtime
- Creating your own Domain Specific Modeler using GMF
- Introduction to GMF
- Introducing the GMF Runtime
- Integrating EMF and GMF generated editors still not finished
- From Front End To Code - MDSD in Practice
- diagram partitioning cookbook Newsgroup
- GMF: Beyond the Wizards
- Magische Momente mit GMF (German)
- Callisto Webinar Using EMF & GMF
- Callisto Podcast Series: Richard Gronback of GMF
- Eclipse Modeling - What's New for Europa
- Org-Chart Tutorial
Things here are relevant for GMF but not already part of this index. If you use one of the following resources, please sort them to this index and move the link to resources. If you just indexed a part of the resource, keep it here an mention behind which part you already added. Feel free to add new resources here if you don't have the time to index them. Thanks for you contribution.
- Link OpenArchitectureWares documentation for Doc about GMFs template language xPand.
- Link GEFs documentation for concepts which are still valid for GMF (and probably not explained in GMF doc yet).
- Index stuff from the GMF Documentation
- Programmer's Guide
- Developer Guide to Command Framework
- Contribution Item Service
- Extensible Type Registry
Global ActionsDeveloper Guide to the Diagram Runtime- Developer Guide to Keyboard Accessibility
- Programmer's Guide
- How To Guide For Diagram Layer Components (HowTo -> Runtime)
- Extensible Type Registry
- Service Providers
- Clipboard Tutorial
- Creating a Shape
- Creating Connections
- Diagram Preferences
- Configuring and Extending the Diagram Palette
- Modifying a Container to Support Automatic Layout
- Supporting Containment of Shapes
- Supporting Canonical Containers
- Connection Creation Assistants
- Extensible Type Registry
- Examples Guide
- Service Example
- Clipboard Example
- Geoshape
- Logic
- Layout Service
- Examples Guide
Using GEF and EMF Redbook by IBM. Todo: Index examples to overview. (Draw2D was already added to index).
- ECOOP 2006 Developing a Domain-Specific Modeler with GMF slides tutorial (slides modified for OOPSLA 2006)
- EclipseWorld 2006 Building Better Graphical Editors with GMF slides
- Eclipse Summit Europe 2006 What's New in Modeling at Eclipse slides
Learn Eclipse GMF in 15 minutes
- The Eclipse Tabbed Properties View
- Add EclipseMag articles:
- Issue 10: Dynamic Wizard Modeling with GMF
- Konzeption und Implementierung einer Erweiterung des Eclipse Graphical Modeling Framework um komplexe Editieroperationen (German)
- Ein Vergleich zwischen Visual Studio 2005 und Eclipse Graphical Modeling Framework zur Unterstützung von MDSD (2006) (German)
- Entwicklung eines domänenspezifischen UML Diagramms zur Benutzeroberflächenmodellierung (Stefan Kuhn, German)
Related Information
- Filter for important information, list it here, index it or hope someone else does
- Language Workbenches: The Killer-App for Domain Specific Languages?
- changing connection color programtically
- Stuff on (German)
GMFs Wiki
- GMF: Synchronized Container Use Cases
- GMF Propsheet Customization
- GEF and GMF usage and customizations
- GMF Archived Newsgroup Q&A
- GMF Diagram Navigator Use Cases
- GMF Propsheet Customization With GmfUI for GMF 2.1
- GMF Utilization
Example Resource Structure / Template
Resource | Page | Type | Company/Author | Lang. | Added By |
GMF in a Nutshell | P.667 | Presentation | Mr.Pink / RDogs | E | Stefan Kuhn / |
Description: I beg god this will exist soon | |||||
Resource2 | | Tutorial | Mr.Brain/ CN | GER | AnotherPoorDoc Guy |
Description: //Show code example Node node = (Node)getHost().getModel(); EObject eObj=node.getElement(); eObj.eAdapters().add(this); log.debug("activated"); fckLRfckLR Template:GMF Index ExternalResource/EntryfckLRfckLR |
This is the template location