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Triquetrum/Kepler Tree Shaking
This page documents an experiment in adding a Kepler actor to Triquetrum by using tree shaking, where the model is run and the classes that are loaded are added to Kepler.
A better solution is to add the actor and director in question and keep adding files until it compiles. See Triquetrum/Kepler.
- 1 What Kepler classes are necessary?
- 2 Tracking Down Dependencies
- 2.1 _controller cannot be resolved in KeplerGraphFrame
- 2.2 _debugging cannot be resolved in ExecutionChoiceDirector
- 2.3 DDFDirector is needed by ExecutionChoiceDirector
- 2.4 ParameterPort and PortParameter are needed by ExecutionChoiceDirector
- 2.5 is missing from ExecutionChoice
- 2.6 ExecutionChoice uses lots of GUI code
- 2.7 Hadoop
- 2.8 ExecutionChoice Revisited
- 3 Providing the ExecutionChoice actor to the run time
- 4 Packaging the plugin(s) for your RCP editor
- 5 Implementing an actor feature
- 6 Loading the ExecutionChoice feature
What Kepler classes are necessary?
The next step is to determine what Kepler classes are necessary.
The demo primarily uses, which is a composite actor that contains submodels that implement the different ways the actor can be executed.
The -verbose option of the java command will report what classes are loaded.
Unfortunately, it seems that adding -verbose to the run configuration in Eclipse does not report the Kepler classes that are loaded, so we use the command line
To run the model without the UI from the command line
cd kepler/build_area ant run -Dworkflow=../ddp/workflows/demos/wordcount-execution-choice.xml
Edit kepler/build-area/src/org/kepler/build/ and insert the following into the runSuite() method:
Compile the build system:
ant -f kepler-tasks.xml
Run the model and save the output to a file:
ant run -v -Dworkflow=../ddp/workflows/demos/wordcount-execution-choice.xml >& /tmp/run.txt
To see how many org.kepler classes are loaded (the sed command converts any inner classes that have $ in their name to the parent class, so org.kepler.util.sql.Table$IndexType becomes org.kepler.util.sql.Table)
grep 'Loaded' /tmp/run.txt | grep org.kepler | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/\$.*\//' | sort | uniq | sed 's@\.@/@g' | awk '{print $1 ".java"}' > /tmp/files
FIXME: Kepler classes should not be in org.kepler because the Kepler project does not have the domain name.
The above returns 188 files. Not all of these classes will be necessary at runtime when running the model, but the important thing here is to make a guess at what classes are necessary.
The script below, when run in the kepler directory, will create a tar file with all the .java files:
#!/bin/sh if [ ! -d files ]; then mkdir files fi files=`cat /tmp/files` for file in $files do srcs=`ls -1d */src` for src in $srcs do if [ -f $src/$file ]; then (cd $src; tar -cf - $file) | (cd files; tar -xvf -) break; fi done done (cd files; tar -cf ../files.tar .) ls -l files.tar
Place the above in a file called kepler/findKeplerFiles.
Run the script with:
cd kepler sh ./findKeplerFiles
Create copies of the files in the org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo module (your pathname will vary)
cat files.tar | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq04Mar/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo/src; tar -xf -)
FIXME This is really wrong because we are creating one bundle for all the Kepler files used by one demo. A better way would create multiple bundles for the various Kepler modules.
Tracking Down Dependencies
Right click on the org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo project and select refresh. In the Problems tab, there will be many compilation problems. Below are the problems we saw and the solutions:
_controller cannot be resolved in KeplerGraphFrame
The error is:
Description Resource Path Location Type _controller cannot be resolved to a variable /org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo/src/org/kepler/gui line 245 Java Problem
KeplerGraphFrame extends Triquetrum does not use ActorGraphFrame
The solution is to remove org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo/src/org/kepler/gui/
_debugging cannot be resolved in ExecutionChoiceDirector
The error is:
Description Resource Path Location Type _debugging cannot be resolved to a variable /org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo/src/org/kepler/ddp/actor line 101 Java Problem
The problem is that ExecutionChoiceDirector extends CaseDirector, which is not found.
Looking at the errors in the imports, we see we need Case and Refinement as well. Case extends MultiInstanceComposite, so we need that.
The solution is to copy over these files:
(cd $PTII; \ tar -cf - ptolemy/actor/lib/hoc{Case,CaseDirector,MultiCompositeActor,MultiCompositePort,Refinement,RefinementPort}.java ptolemy/actor/util/ ptolemy/math/ | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq04Mar/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo/src/; tar -xvf -)
DDFDirector is needed by ExecutionChoiceDirector
Copy over DDFDirector and ActorEnablingStatus, which is needed by DDFDirector. Also copy over DFUtilities, NotSchedulableException, Time and ExtendedMath:
(cd $PTII; \ tar -cf - ptolemy/actor/lib/hoc/{Case,CaseDirector,MultiCompositeActor,MultiCompositePort,Refinement,RefinementPort}.java ptolemy/actor/util/ ptolemy/math/ | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq04Mar/org.kepler.\
triquetrum.ddpDemo/src/; tar -xvf -)
ParameterPort and PortParameter are needed by ExecutionChoiceDirector
The error is:
Description Resource Path Location Type Access restriction: The type 'ParameterPort' is not API (restriction on required library '/Users/cxh/src/workspaceTriq04Mar/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/.bundle_pool /plugins/ptolemy.core_11.0.0.201605041253.jar')
/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo/src/org/kepler/ddp/actor line 44 Java Problem
FIXME: The issue here is that PortParameter and ParameterPort are in the ptolemy.core module, but that module is not available
The workaround is to copy them:
(cd $PTII; tar -cf - ptolemy/actor/parameters/{ParameterPort,PortParameter}.java) | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq04Mar/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo/src/; tar -xvf -)
It turns out that we need a number of classes from ptolemy.core. Unfortunately, adding
to the MANIFEST.MF file results in an error message: "No available bundle exports ptolemy.core"
However, the org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo project lists the following as a Plug-in Dependency
That jar file has the following MANIFEST.MF:
Manifest-Version: 1.0^M Bundle-SymbolicName: ptolemy.core^M Export-Package: org.ptolemy.classloading;version="11.0.0",org.ptolemy.^M classloading.osgi;version="11.0.0",;version="11.0.0",pto^M;version="11.0.0",;version="1^M 1.0.0",;version="11.0.0",;version="11.0^M .0",;version="11.0.0",;version="11.^M 0.0",;version="11.0.0",ptolemy.graph;version="11.0.0^M ",ptolemy.graph.analysis;version="11.0.0",ptolemy.graph.analysis.anal^M yzer;version="11.0.0",ptolemy.graph.analysis.strategy;version="11.0.0^M ",ptolemy.graph.mapping;version="11.0.0",ptolemy.kernel;version="11.0^M .0",ptolemy.kernel.attributes;version="11.0.0",ptolemy.kernel.undo;ve^M rsion="11.0.0",ptolemy.kernel.util;version="11.0.0",ptolemy.math;vers^M ion="11.0.0",ptolemy.util;version="11.0.0"^M Bundle-Name: Ptolemy Core^M Bundle-Version:^M Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2^M Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.7^M Bundle-Activator: ptolemy.kernel.activator.Activator^M Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: registered^M Bundle-Vendor: CHESS^M Import-Package: org.osgi.framework;version="1.3.0",org.osgi.util.track^M er;version="1.5.1",org.ptolemy.commons;version="11.0.0"^M
However, if I right click on the org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo project, select Build Path -> Configure Build Path, then under the Libraries tab, expand Plug-in Dependencies, scroll to ptolemy.core..., expand it and expand the Access rules tab, I can see that ptolemy/actor/parameters/* is not present
The workaround is to add ptolemy/actor/parameters/* and move it above the forbidden rule.
For ptolemy.core, add:
- ptolemy/actors/parameters/*
- ptolemy/graph/*
For ptolemy.moml, add:
- ptolemy/moml/filters/*
For ptolemy.gui, add
- ptolemy/actor/gui/style/*
However, it seems like the above changes are not persistent?
FIXME: Where are these Access rules set?
Solution: Erwin wrote:
OSGi supports 2 modes to define dependencies between bundles :
- Import-Packages : then you should list each individual java package name that you need (in this case that would be and many others)
- Require-Bundle : there you can just put the bundle name (ptolemy.core in this case) and that registers all that bundle's packages
If MANIFEST.MF is updated:
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui, org.eclipse.core.runtime, ptolemy.gui, ptolemy.core, ptolemy.moml
Then a number of compilation errors are solved. is missing from ExecutionChoice
The error:
Solution: Add the following to org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo MANIFEST.MF:;version="2.2.0",
ExecutionChoice uses lots of GUI code
The imports below are missing from ExecutionChoice:
import org.kepler.gui.KeplerGraphFrame; import org.kepler.gui.ModelToFrameManager; import org.kepler.gui.frame.TabbedKeplerGraphFrame;
import ptolemy.gui.ComponentDialog;
import ptolemy.gui.ExtensionFilenameFilter; import ptolemy.gui.JFileChooserBugFix; import ptolemy.gui.PtFileChooser; import ptolemy.gui.PtGUIUtilities; import ptolemy.gui.Query;
FIXME: Not sure what to do about these. It seems like ExecutionChoice has a very tight connection to GUI classes like KeplerGraphFrame that are not present in Triquetrum
The error is:
Description Resource Path Location Type Configuration cannot be resolved to a type /org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo/src/org/kepler/ddp/actor/pattern line 258 Java Problem
The issue is that these imports in DDPDataSink are not present
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
One solution would be to import the jars from ~/KeplerData/workflows/module/hadoop/tools/share/hadoop/
A better solution would be to find a hadoop Eclipse bundle upon which we could depend.
Kepler provides a hadoop project that could be helpful here!
Solution: Right click on the org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo project -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path and add the following package dependencies
- configuration-manager (For apache logging) FIXME: Might be able to get this elsewhere
- ddp-common
- hadoop
ExecutionChoice Revisited
After looking at the number of changes above, a different approach of just adding the ExecutionChoice actor might be in order.
The first step was to modify the Plug-in dependencies for ptolemy.core, and ptolemy.gui as above.
ExecutionChoice depends on KeplerDocumentationAttribute, which depends on DocAttribute, so we copy those files:
(cd $PTII; tar -cf - ptolemy/vergil/basic/{DocAttribute,KeplerDocumentationAttribute}.java) | (cd ~/src/workspaceTriq04Mar/org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo/src/; tar -xvf -)
Providing the ExecutionChoice actor to the run time
Based on Providing the actor class to the runtime
Create a package called and then create in that package:
package; import; import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration; import org.osgi.framework.Version; import org.ptolemy.classloading.ModelElementClassProvider; import org.ptolemy.classloading.osgi.DefaultModelElementClassProvider; import org.ptolemy.commons.ThreeDigitVersionSpecification; import org.ptolemy.commons.VersionSpecification; public class Activator implements BundleActivator { public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception { // FIXME figure out a more compact way to create a version-aware provider, // that uses the bundle version but is not too dependent on OSGi APIs itself. Version bundleVersion = context.getBundle().getVersion(); VersionSpecification providerVersion = new ThreeDigitVersionSpecification( bundleVersion.getMajor(), bundleVersion.getMinor(), bundleVersion.getMicro(), bundleVersion.getQualifier()); _apSvcReg = context.registerService(ModelElementClassProvider.class.getName(), new DefaultModelElementClassProvider(providerVersion, ExecutionChoice.class), null); } public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception { _apSvcReg.unregister(); } // private stuff /** The svc registration for the actor provider */ private ServiceRegistration<?> _apSvcReg; }
Packaging the plugin(s) for your RCP editor
See Packaging the plugin(s) for your RCP editor
Create a simple (non-Java plugin): File -> New Plug-in Project.
- Name: org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo.palette
- Uncheck Create a Java Project
- Click Next, then Finish
Right click on the newly created project, select File -> New -> File and create plugin.xml.
plugin.xml should look like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?eclipse version="3.4"?> <plugin> <extension name="Triquetrum palette ExecutionChoice extension" point="org.eclipse.triquetrum.workflow.editor.paletteContribution"> <group displayName="Examples"> <entry class="" displayName="ExecutionChoice" type="Actor"> </entry> </group> </extension> </plugin>
MANIFEST.MF should look like:
Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Palette entry for ExecutionChoice Bundle-SymbolicName: org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo.palette;singleton:=true Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.qualifier Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.triquetrum.workflow.editor;bundle-version="1.0.0"
Implementing an actor feature
See Implementing an actor feature
- File -> New -> Feature Project
- Name: org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo.feature
- Finish
feature.xml should contain:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <feature id="org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo.feature" label="Feature" version="1.0.0.qualifier"> <plugin id="org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo" download-size="0" install-size="0" version="0.0.0" unpack="false"/> <plugin id="org.kepler.triquetrum.ddpDemo.palette" download-size="0" install-size="0" version="0.0.0"/> </feature>
Right now, there is a problem because ptolemy.core is required. However I decided to push on and create the feature and try to load it.
Loading the ExecutionChoice feature
- Start up Triquetrum RCP Editor. See Building From Sources -> Running
- In the Triquetrum RCP Editor, do Help -> Install New Software
Cannot complete the request
The following dialog pops up:
"Cannot complete the request. This installation has not been configured properly for Software Updates. See the error log for details"
The log is:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.equinox.p2.ui.sdk 2 0 2016-06-02 11:50:03.790 !MESSAGE Could not locate the running profile instance. The and eclipse.p2.profile properties may not be set correctly in this application's config.ini file.
Erwin suggested that running an update from a Triquetrum launched from another Eclipse is complex and that it would be better to Download a Triquetrum and run it from the command line.