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TigerstripeCommunity 20080114
< To: Tigerstripe Community Meetings
- E. Dillon
- S. Jerman
- R. Craddock
- D. Keysell
- J. Worrell
- J. Strawn
- Intro
1st community meeting.
- Project Update
- 3rd party .jars Tigerstripe 3rd party jars
- During early discussions with Eclipse Legal, we floated a list of the 3rd party .jar files to be included in the Tigerstripe plugins. Only 2 were seen as potentially problematic. - Qdox is almost cleared. - Jaxen to be next. AI: Eric to raised CQs for all of the required .jars that are not in the orbit plugin.
- Build status
- First build based on org.eclipse.tigerstripe namespace was run last night internally on build server provided by Cisco. This is intended to push night builds onto the Eclipse drops dir when everything is ready. Richard reported problems with the build. Eric to investigate. This internal build allows to work in parallel until we get the "go ahead" from Eclipse Legal.
- Web content
Initial content was posted. Split between Tigerstripe web ( and Tigerstripe wiki ( Most of the content to live on the Wiki as it is quicker to Edit and keep up to date... at least once the Wiki syntax is understood :-).
- Wiki/Tutorials
Richard has been migrating the content of the old website, in particular, the tutorial are being migrated. This is a tedious manual process... but it is happening. Richard will hold off before posting the corresponding screenshot to avoid having to redo with the potentially different version from the first OS-based builds.
- Use Cases
Steve to look into posting a Cisco use-case for Tigerstripe describing how Cisco uses Tigerstripe ( modeling, building, validation, generation driven by Maven). This is intended to illustrate how TS is used.
- Community Build-up
- TMF - Team Action Week (Cascais, Jan'08) (
Almost 1/2 day for Tigerstripe to present in Cascais. Will cover: - Introduction about Tigerstripe as an Eclipse project. - Tigerstripe demo/training compared to 1y ago - Model-driven best practices - Cisco's experience.
- Presentations
- Some of the training material that have been used internally could be made available here. Needs to clean up the content to remove any Cisco specific content. - All presentations used in Cascais will be made available from here.
- Roadmap/Plan - update
- Roadmap to be published soon. Will be organized around the following: - First stable build: once we get "go ahead" from Eclipse Legal - Themes for the next 6-9 months - Annotation/Blueprint enhancements for Tigerstripe - EMF migration (including tigerstripe .ecore) - Code clean up as part of open-sourcing. Details to be posted for review before next meeting.