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Tigerstripe 3rd party jars
This page contains details about all the 3rd party libraries used and distributed by the plugins released by the Tigerstripe project.
Status | Short Name | Comment | CQ |
Committed (v2.1) | commons-lang-2.2.jar | Version 2.1 is approved. TS to rev back. | CQ 1972 |
Committed (v1.5) | velocity-1.5.jar | Version 1.5 has been approved. | CQ 1977 |
REMOVED | commons-jelly-1.0.jar | Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | CQ 1978 |
REMOVED | commons-jelly-tags-ant1.1.jar | Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | - |
In ORBIT | ant-1.6.5.jar | Will be approved based on re-use | CQ 1973 |
Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | commons-beanutils-1.7.0.jar | WDependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | CQ 1974 |
COMMITTED v1.0 | commons-cli-1.1.jar | 1.0 was approved. TS to rev back | CQ 1975 |
YES | commons-collections-3.1.jar | 3.2 is approved. TS to rev up | CQ 1976 |
REMOVED | commons-jelly-tags-define-1.0.jar | Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | - |
REMOVED | commons-jelly-tags-util-1.1.1.jar | Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | - |
In ORBIT | commons-logging-1.0.4.jar | Will be approved based on re-use | CQ 1971 |
COMMITTED | dom4j-1.6.1.jar | Will be approved based on re-use | CQ 1970 |
In ORBIT v1.2.13 | log4j-1.2.14.jar | 1.2.13 is approved. TS to rev back | CQ 1969 |
COMMITTED | qdox-1.6.3.jar | Approved | CQ 1953 |
REMOVED | jaxen-1.1.1.jar | Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | - |
REMOVED | commons-jexl-1.0.jar | Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | - |
REMOVED | commons-grant-1.0-beta-4.jar | Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | - |
REMOVED | ant-junit-1.6.5.jar | Dependency no longer exist (Bug 215421) | - |
Note: From ORBIT means that a dependency was added in the Tigerstripe plugins to re-use the corresponding .jar file from the ORBIT plugin rather than duplicating the .jar file.