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< Polarsys
- Pierre Gaufillet (Airbus)
- Gaël Blondelle (Obeo)
- Lei Pi (Intecs)
- Oscar Slotosch (Validas)
- Boris Baldassari (Squoring)
- Xavier Plavis (Astrium)
- Benoît Langlois (Thales)
- Raphaël Faudou (Astos)
- Jed Anderson (Genuitec)
- Gert Johansson (Combitech)
- Benoit Langlois (Thales)
- Francis Bordeleau (Ericsson)
News about PolarSys
- Eclipse and PolarSys user accounts have been merged. If you cannot log in, reset your password with the automated process.
- Combitech joined Polarsys as Participant member
- EADS Astrium will shortly becomes a new steering committee member
- University of Valencia completed the paperwork and sent it to Eclipse
- University of Padova: to work on the paperwork soon
- Need to handle the process with the Two Canadian Universities
New Projects
in PolarSys:
Strongly connected to PolarSys:
Upcoming events
- Face 2 face meeting on jun 4th
- Schedule proposal
- Fill the Doodle if you plan to attend:
- EclipseCon France 2013
- Don't forget to register:
- Thales, Sierra Wireless and AIRBUS are joining their booths to promote Industry Working Groups.
- Demo from Airbus
- Slideshow describing IWG (TBC)
- Posters describing IWGs in general and each IWG (TBC)
- Representative of each IWG to answer questions.
- Boris Baldassari has proposed to participate.
Working Groups
Maturity assessment
- Boris Baldassari (PhD at Squoring) has initiated a wiki page about the definition of quality in the context of Open Source, Eclipse and PolarSys. Please review and comment it: Maturity Definition
- Boris will present his work at EclipseCon France 2013:
- Oscar S. would like to add safety related aspects to the quality model. Oscar S. will add ideas about that on the Wiki, and Pierre Gaufillet will set up a telcon.
- ==> [BBA] Check Talk:MaturityDefinition
Proposals and Projects migration
- Licensing issues to solve for CHESS proposal. The proposal should be ready before Jun 4th nevertheless.
- Project to come from ATOS: OCL to ACSL (generation of formal properties for C code from OCL constraints)
- TOPCASED migration:
- ATOS will migrate gendoc2.
- AIRBUS will migrate Topcased facilities, Topcased scripting, the OCL tools and Topcased REQ.
- Astrium will migrate UML2EC.
- Target: code migration during this summer, including port to Eclipse 4.
- The migration will occur component by component. The development will be interrupted during this period.
- Topcased will still be built on its historical forge until PolarSys can build the complete list of components. But it will rely incrementally on repositories built by PolarSys / Eclipse.
- 3P builds are currently been set up.
Project Planning Committee
- Telcon meeting of the PPC Working Group before PolarSys face 2 face meeting in Toulouse. Register at
- How to define the PPC process? Some work already done in the ITEA OPEES context can be reused and improved.
Next PolarSys Telcon
- Jun 20th, 16:00-18:00 CEST
- Connection information
- Participant conference extension: 435, then enter pin 8314
- SIP clients can call, then enter pin 8314.
- Ottawa (local call in Ottawa) 1-613-454-1403
- North America (toll free) 1-877-369-7806
- Germany (local call anywhere in Germany) +49-692-2224-6059
- France (local call anywhere in France) +33-17-070-8535
- UK (toll free) 0800-033-7806
- Switzerland (local call anywhere in Switzerland) +41-44-580-2115