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< Polarsys(Redirected from June 4th Face to Face Meeting in Toulouse)
- Page on Squoring wiki describing their work about Eclipse
- Squoring presentation at the F2F meeting.
- Squoring presentation during EclipseCon has been uploaded: Software Quality: the Eclipse way and beyond.
- ReqCycle presentation by Raphaël Faudou from Atos
- NextGenRE presentation by Silvia Mazzini from Intecs
- Topcased Doors Integration (TDI) presentation by Silvia Mazzini from Intecs
Builds, Integration
- Description of the 3P product by Pierre Gaufillet from Airbus
- Hudson setup for 3P
- Milestone PolarSys IDE will be available in the coming weeks
- First official version of PolarSys will be released in October
- Build and Integration longevity presentation by Jed Anderson from Genuitec
- EGF build portfolio presentation by Benoît Langlois and Matthieu Helleboid from Thales
Polarsys PPC
- PPC Working Group presentation by Alain Rossignol from Astrium
New Projects presentations
- Arcon presentation by Gert Johansson from Combitech
- Chess presentation by Silvia Mazzini from Intecs
- Polychrony presentation by Loïc Besnard from Inria
Common meeting with the Auto IWG
- LTS WG overview by Andrew Ross
- eTrice presentation by Thomas Schuetz from Protos
- Sigasi presentation by Hendrik Exckhaut from Sigasi