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Design Documents BtM TPTP 4.4
A simple TPTP design document from bugzilla: bugzilla_template_simple
A slightly advanced TPTP design document: bugzilla_template_advanced
A sample TPTP design document we made for 4.2: bugzilla_145058
Here are the actual design documents for TPTP 4.4 Stage 1 (Iterations 1 and 2):
- WSDM Tooling: Move from tech preview to GA: bugzilla_165578
- WSDM Tooling: Service Group Editor: bugzilla_165556
- WSDM Tooling: Enhanced importing of WSDLs and schemas: bugzilla_165544
- WSDM Tooling: Complex Java type import: bugzilla_165557
- WSDM Tooling: Better visualization of complex data types bugzilla_159753
- WSDM Tooling: Metadata merging bugzilla_165546
- WSDM Tooling: New Requirements from usability review bugzilla_165568
- WSDM Tooling: Import java implementation class as a capability bugzilla_165543
- WSDM Tooling: Relationships modeling bugzilla_165536
- MAX: Filtering, sorting of resources bugzilla_165565
- MAX: Improved display of resources in resource topology view bugzilla_165569
- MAX: Increased use of notifications for explorer updates bugzilla_165566
- MAX: Group properties bugzilla_165562