Teleconference on Axis2 Integration into WTP - March 14, 2007
Kathy Chan
Lahiru Sandakith
David Williams
Progress on submitted RFEs:
DW: Any update on the class loading issues with calling Axis2 JARs using reflection?
LS: I'm able to get through the problem with class loading using reflection. With the latest code , I'm able to specify Axis2 runtime location, add Axis2 facet, create Axis2 Web service bottom-up and top-down, and create Axis2 Web service client on Linux and Windows. I'm still having problem attaching to RFE, will try again later on today. This would be the latest submission to IP.
KC: We'll attach the latest contribution to IPzilla and get the IP/legal review going again. We need to get approval back from legal within 2 weeks and check the code in by 03/28 in time for WTP 2.0 M6.
KC: This would be the last functional enhancement code drop for WTP 2.0. Other Axis2 RFEs that are not already in has to be deferred out of WTP 2.0. We can only take bug fixes after today's drop.
RFEs originally planned for WTP 2.0 M6 that has to be pushed out are:
Contribution to documentation on Axis2 support in WTP.
KC: Any update on WSO2 contributing documentation on Axis2 support in WTP?
LS: Checked with Sanjiva 3 weeks ago. I'llbe the only one available to write any documentation.
KC: Kate Price, the WTP Web services documentation focal point, indicated if someone could do the write-up for Axis2 support, she could help put it into the proper documentation plugin. This would need to be done for RC1 (05/18).
LS: That would be great. Would provide Kate some write-up before RC1.
Axis2 Web services tutorials for M6.
KC: Need to have Axis2 Web services tutorial for WTP 2.0 M6.
LS: Could work on this after the code freeze for M6 (03/28) and have them available by 04/06.
Update on Web services long talk, demo and BoF went in EclipseCon.
KC: Web services long talk and demo on Axis2 support well received. There's question about supporting XFire and the performance difference between XFire and Axis2.
LS: There has been some debate on performance difference between XFire and Axis2, here are some links with more info: