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Requirements document for Axis2 Integration in WTP

Requirements for Axis2 Integration in WTP

This is the list of requirements for integrating Axis2 into WTP. The priority is categorized as:

  • P1 - Release defining.
  • P2 - Major functionality that would improve the user experience.
  • P3 - Nice to have functionalities.

Please refer to the RFEs for details.

Relevant Milestones

  • M5 - 2007.02.23 - ~80% API / RFE complete. Basis for EclipseCon 2007 demos
  • M6 - 2007.04.06 - API freeze. RFE complete.


Axis2 requirements
RFE Description Priority Sizing/ETA Milestone
168762 Create bottom-up and top-down Web service using Axis2 runtime P1 2007.01.24 WTP 2.0 M6
172186 Create Web service client using Axis2 runtime P1 2007.03.14 WTP 2.0 M6
168765 Allow user to specify external Axis2 runtime location P1 2007.03.14 WTP 2.0 M6
168766 Add Axis2 facet P2 2007.03.14 WTP 2.0 M6
168764 Create Axis2 Preferences page P2 2007.03.14 WTP 2.0 M6
168937 Support import AAR P2
168938 Support export AAR P2
168939 Support hot deployment and hot update P2
Discover & test Axis2 Web services listed under its own catagory via the Web Services Explorer P2
Test Axis2 Web services using generated JUnits P2
List Axis2 Web services under the Project Explorer P2
Validate Axis2 Web services and clients P2
Support extensible integration of Axis2 Modules into the Axis2 tools P2
Test Axis2 Web services using Web service sample JSPs P3
Allow user to easily add, remove and modify Axis2 Web service / client handlers P3
Allow user to dynamically locate different versions of Axis2 Web service tools and runtime to install P3

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