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WTP Development Status Meeting 2007-03-15
John L, Neil H, Dave G, Chuck B, Amy W, David W, Konsta, Jess, Hoy, Larry I, Kathy C, Kieth C, Kate P, Larry D, Rob F, Bob F, David W, Carl A, Nitin D
- Thoughts from EclipseCon2007
- Higher user to committer ratio then previous eclipsecons
- Long tutorials were too long, half day is long enough.
- Consider adding other eclipse based non WTP web tools sessions
- EclipseCon Survey
- Axis2 weekly meeting moved to Wednesdays.
- JDJ Awards - Pieter to follow up with information on nominating WTP and voting
- The Eclipse Board decided Jess G and David W would co-lead the WTP PMC.
- Tim D and Neil H voted in as new voting members of the WTP PMC.
WTP 1.5.4
Information added to wiki plan page at WTP Release 1.5.4 Schedule.
- Schedule:
- 03/22 - I-build released
- 04/05 - I-build released
- 04/19 - RC1 released. PMC will only approve stop-ship bugs during the last two weeks
- 05/04 - 1.5.4 declared
- Reminder
- All bugs must be approved by the normal PMC Approval Process.
- Bug lists (WTP+JSF only)
- Invalid Targeted Defects <1.5.4 (1)
- 1.5.x Untargeted Blockers/Criticals (~3)
- 1.5.x Untriaged Bugs (~34) JSF=12, J2EE=8, RDB=7
- 1.5.x Resolved, Unverified (~164) Server=48,SSE=34,J2EE=31,doc=17
- 1.5.x Verified, Not closed (~1)
- 1.5.4 Bugs for WTP PMC review and approval (~3)
- 1.5.4 Hot Bug Requests (~0)
- 1.5.4 Hot Bugs (~1)
- 1.5.4 Blockers, Criticals (~1)
- 1.5.4 Remaining Targeted Bugs (~25)
- 1.5.4 Total Bugs Fixed (~2)
WTP 2.0
- Remaining Europa Timeline
March 2007 - June 2007 Platform +1 WTP M6 - API Freeze Mar 23 Mar 30 Apr 06 M7 - RC0 May 04 May 11 May 18 RCn... Europa Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 29
- M6 Schedule - Function and API complete for 2.0
Februray 2007 - April 2007 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 19
Status Call
Smoke Test23
Declare I Build
Platform M626
Start component lead change approval27
Status Call
Smoke Test30
Declare I Build
Write tests and produce FVT driver02
FVT and Compatibility Tests03
Defect Verifications
Mustfix defects04
Defect Verifications
Mustfix defects05
Defect Verifications
Status Call
Thumbs Up Test06
Declare WTP 2.0 M6
- Build Status
- Stepped up to platform I20070313-1051 to get fix which blocks editor smoke tests
- JUnit execution and reporting problems - The eclipse M5 changes to removing the startup.jar has rippled through the test framework and broken our WTP JUnit tests. David is investigating, but may not be resolved for this week's integration
- JEM JUnits added.
- JPA tests will also be added.
- Please smoke test the latest 2.0 I Build to declare by end of day
- WSDL EMF Model Plugin version id to be increased next week, impacted plugins will have to react
- Prerequisite Rhythm Proposal
- Update to previous week's I build on Mondays for platform, EMF, and GEF (if available). Update DTP on milestones or by request.
- Any committer can also request the prereqs be updated at any additional time.
- Bug Lists (updated to include JPA)
- JSF - please adjust your target milestones to match WTP proper's.
- Bugzilla Enhancements Targeted for 2.0 M6 (37)
- All Remaining 2.0 Targeted Enhancements (52)
- 2.0 Invalid Targeted Defects <M6 (~12) Please retarget these appropriately.
- 2.0 Resolved, Unverified (~186) SSE=56,Server=49,Dali=25,J2EE=14
- 2.0 Verified, Not closed (~9)
- 2.0 Remaining Targeted M6 Defects (~82)
- 2.0 Hot Bug Requests (~2)
- 2.0 Hot Bugs (~1)
- 2.0 Targeted Blockers, Criticals (~0)
- 2.0 Untargeted Blockers, Criticals (~2)
- 2.0 Targeted Bugs (Graph)
- 2.0 Total Bugs Fixed (~214)
- 2.0 JPA Total Bugs Fixed (~24)
Bug Backlogs
- All Untriaged WTP Bugs (Graph)
- All Untriaged WTP Bugs (~236) Dali=80,JSF=40,ATF=40,J2EE=34,Server=11,RDB=10
- All WTP Verified, Not Closed Bugs (Graph)
- All WTP Verified, Not Closed Bugs (125) Dali=85,ATF=12,JSF=11
- All WTP Resolved, Unverified Bugs (Graph)
- All WTP Resolved, Unverified Bugs (749) ATF=160,SSE=128,Server=125,J2EE=98,Dali=67,JSF=40,XSD=25
- All WTP Defect Backlog (Graph)
- All WTP Defect Backlog (2873) SSE=900,J2EE=650,WebServices=325
- All Resolved, Remind or Later (Graph)
- All Resolved, Remind or Later (~84)
- All Open WTP Bugs with Patches Attached (Graph)
- All Open WTP Bugs with Patches Attached (~198) J2EE=52,SSE=28,WS=21,WSDL=18 If a patch is invalid, mark it obsolete, and we will filter those out.
- All API Requests (9)
Working Groups
- Java EE 5
- Chuck - Naci making initial end to end scenarios running EE5 artifacts on Tomcat6 and Geronimo
- Axis2
- Kathy - Working contribution submitted to IP with hopes for committing for M6. Then, only defects for rest of 2.0 and all other enhancements deferred.
- Website
- Bob F - Working with the Dali team on the conversion of their website to pheonix.
Other business?
Sorry about mix up with the conference call in number. We will correct this for next week and send update call info to the mailing list as well as update the wiki.
Teams Status and Focus for Coming Week
Server Component Team
Datatools (RDB, 1.5.x only)
XML/JSP Component Team
- WTP 1.5.4
- Preparing patches for bugs on deck
- WTP 2.0
- Working on M6 targetted items
- Ongoing triaging
- EclipseCon 2007
- A short tutorial was presented; portions of the presentation materials may eventually find their way into the WTP SDK
- WTP 1.5.4
Web Services Component Team
- WTP 1.5.4 - Ten bugs on deck, four with patches ready to commit (Query).
- WTP 2.0 - RFEs under development for M6 (Query).
- Apache Axis2 - RFE development for the Axis2 integration effort (RFE 165664) is complete, with final contributions submitted to the Eclipse IP team for approval. Some RFEs were deferred out of WTP 2.0. See the requirements for details.
- Eclipse 3.3 - Internet Configuration Management plugins are on their way into the Eclipse platform under RFE 154100 (Platform level proxy settings). RFE 175171 (Remove WTP Internet Preferences) is open to remove the Internet Preferences plugin from WTP 2.0 M6.
- Eclipsecon 2007
- Kathy Chan attended for Web services with excellent attendance at the long talk and good interest in the BoF.
- Introduction to Web Services Tools in WTP.
- Java and XML Web Services Tools in WTP BoF.
- Eclipsecon 2007
Java EE Component Team
Dali JPA
- Working on M6 ER's
- Triaging all old ER's and bugs
- Triaged bugs/features for M6
- Working on M6 features
- Investigating improving usage scans and test coverage reports
- Running Performance and API tests
- WTP 1.5.4 is a service release for critical defects, regressions, and adopter issues only. There should be no translation or UI changes, nor should it affect any API reported through the adopter scanning tools.
- This Week's Smoke Test Results
- Build Declaration Process Refined - See WTP Build Process and Procedures
- Conferences:
- EclipseWorld2007, 11/6/2007-11/8/2007 in Reston, VA. The deadline for abstracts is 4/17/2007.
- Reminder:
- Information about process for milestone bugzilla line item planning has been added to the WTP Bugs, Workflow, and Conventions document.
- Please come to the meeting with your smoke test results posted to the wiki and ready to vote on declaration of the weekly builds.
- PMC Candidate Review Request Checklist - See the updated PMC Review document with attention to the "How To Prepare a PMC Defect Candidate" section
- WTP 2.0 Ramp down plan - Please note the early API freeze and shutdown dates.
- Adopter Migration Information for WTP 2.0 - Please add any details for your component.
- Usage Reports and Scans
- Website
- Documentation on Setting up your system for Web Tools Web site development and Using Web Tools Phoenix PHP templates is on the wiki at Web_Tools_Web_Site_Development