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XSD Smoke Test Scenarios
WTP XSD Smoke Test Scenarios
XSD Editor and Validator tests:
- Open and Close Editor
- Ensure views are maintained
- Add Tests
- Element (From Design and Outline)
- Complex Type
- Simple Type
- Attribute
- Attribute Group
- Groups
- Modify names
- Attribute Refs and modify refs
- Selection Tests
- Synchronization between views (Properties, Graph, Source, Outline)
- Delete Tests
- Delete globals and locals
- Drag and Drop
- Elements in a sequence
- Source Editing
- As you type validation
- Content Assist
- Context Menus
- Switch back to the graph view and ensure it is refreshed with any source changes
- Extensions
- Add and delete extensions
- Add attributes
- Constraints
- Change lengths
- Add enumerations
- Refactoring
- Rename a complex type
- File creation & saving
- Save/Save As
- Close without saving
- Open existing file
- Create new file using new XSD file wizard
- Validation
- Disconnected mode
- Dependency validation as of WTP3.0M7. Add validation builder to the project. Introduce a change to a schema that will invalidate an xml file. Ensure the XML file is automatically validated with an error.
- XML Catalog
- Resolve schemas in jars
- Test the Next Catalog. Export and Import catalog files.
- Properties
- Attributes - Value Default and Fixed and Form
- Attribute Refs
- Generators
- Generate an XML file from an XSD file
- Preferences
- XSD preferences are under XML->XML Schema Files
- Check the Qualify XSD constructs preference. Ensure that the prefix is used by the new schema wizard.
- Modify the default target namespace. Ensure that the new value is used by the new schema wizard.
- Modify the Honour all schema locations. Test a schema that imports two other schemas with the same namespace and different locations.
- Modify full schema conformance. TODO Needs a test schema that would expose the difference
- Unused Imports (New to 3.0.1).Test that unused imports and includes are removed