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Website Facade Connection Example
Data Model
This section shows an example of a root context and an instance of a WebsiteFacade:Participant context.
Root context
:RootContext skos:prefLabel "Root context"^^xsd:string . :WebLogin_1 rdf:type proxy:WebLogin ; proxy:connectionType "business"^^xsd:string ; proxy:externalResource ""^^xsd:anyURI ; proxy:image "2348fa0a9a8865556098"^^xsd:base64Binary ; proxy:imageType "PNG"^^xsd:string ; proxy:password "password1"^^xsd:string ; proxy:resource nytimes-participant:Person_1 ; proxy:userid ""^^xsd:string . :me rdf:type persona:Person ; h:correlation :WebLogin_1 .
Participant context
<> rdf:type ctxt:Context , owl:Ontology ; ctxt:template <> ; proxy:image "3241923401323412"^^xsd:base64Binary ; proxy:imageType "PNG"^^xsd:string ; owl:imports <> , <> ; owl:versionInfo "2.0.100"^^xsd:string . :Name_1 rdf:type v:Name ; v:family-name "Jones"^^xsd:string ; v:given-name "Alice"^^xsd:string . :Participant_1 rdf:type template:Participant . :Person_1 rdf:type persona:Person ; v:n :Name_1 ; foaf:mbox <> .
NYTimes ConnectionTemplate context
<> rdf:type template:ConnectionTemplate , owl:Ontology ; template:definer :Definer_1 ; template:participant :Participant_1 ; template:policy :DataPolicy_1 ; proxy:connectionType "business"^^xsd:string ; proxy:image "329849238457234523453454"^^xsd:base64Binary ; proxy:imageType "JPG"^^xsd:string ; owl:imports <> , <> ; skos:prefLabel "NYTimes ConnectionTemplate"^^xsd:string . :DataPolicy_1 rdf:type template:DataPolicy ; template:desires fpa:fashionAndStyle , fpa:worldLocalities ; template:provides <> ; template:requires fp:email , fp:givenName , fp:familyName . :Definer_1 rdf:type template:Definer . :JavaScript_1 rdf:type app-data:JavaScript . :Participant_1 rdf:type template:WebsiteFacade ; template:homePage ""^^xsd:anyURI ; template:loginPath "/login"^^xsd:anyURI ; template:profilePath "/profile-page"^^xsd:anyURI ; template:role <> ; template:scrapeFill :JavaScript_1 .
All the contexts together visually:
All the person nodes together visually: