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WTP Project Lead
The Role of a Project Lead in Eclipse (and WTP) is described in the Eclipse Development Process.
Namely, each Project's leadership is required to:
- ensure that the Project is operating effectively by guiding the Project's overall direction and by removing obstacles, solving problems, and resolving conflicts
- ensure that all Project plans, technical documents and reports are publicly available and up-to-date
- notify the membership-at-large of all major new features and new code contributions via the defined membership notification mechanism (e.g., specific mailing list). This notification must occur in advance of the code being committed to the source repository.
- operate using open source rules of engagement: meritocracy, transparency, and open participation. These principles work together. Anyone can participate in a Project. This open interaction, from answering questions to reporting bugs to making code contributions to creating designs, enables everyone to recognize and utilize the contributions.
- work effectively with other Eclipse projects with which it has touchpoints.
- Active participation in the user newsgroups and the appropriate developer mailing lists is a required responsibility of all Project Leaders and is critical to the success of the Project.