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WTP Planning Lead
The Planning Lead is responsible for the week-to-week, milestone-to-milestone planning and coordination of WTP Releases, which includes:
- Conduct a weekly (or regularly occurring) status call primarily for (sub-) project leads but anyone is welcome to join in.
- Coordinate activities required for the yearly release train.
- make sure projects understand "must do" items and have some means of compliance checking.
- monitor and coordinate cross-project mailing list
- monitor and coordinate cross-project bugzilla component
- Define and assume responsibility for EPP packages that includes WTP components.
- The Planning Lead is also, typically, WTP's appointed representative to the Eclipse Foundation's (EMO) Planning Council.
- Lead and ensure release reviews are ready.
- Ensure IP Log is maintained and accurate.
- Make sure Functions, specs, standards, etc., are properly documented
- Monitor dependencies and decide/recommend when to move to new versions.