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WTP Functional Test R30 Installs
WTP 3.0 Install Scenarios
Please test the below outlined install scenarios and indicate your results in the table. We are not expecting a full function test, but after install, please inspect plugins, features, docs(preferences, help,etc.) to ensure all expected information is there.
A. JEE Developer IDE
- Install scenario
- Download most recent JEE package from here
- Please verify this is the most recent version by checking Ganymede(be sure to download moste recent, if anything is more recent that 20080615).
- On Tuesday, this should be the most recent URL, likely the final version, to be moved to official release URL, on the release date.
B. Update Sites
B1. Ganymede Update Site
- Currently available Ganymede staging site
- Ganymede official release once avaiable
- Using Ganymede update site, you can start with _only_ the Eclipse Platform, and pick individual features to install. Whatever our features need, should be pulled down automatically (no "select required" any longer).
- Main install scenarios
- Javascript (only 'platform' is required).
- XML (platform, gef, a few emf pieces and xsd info-set are all required ... that is, should also end up in your install).
- Web Developer (as above ... i.e. still no JDT!).
- JEE Developer (requires JDT, and some features from DTP).
- Secondary install scenarios
- Select "optional" features, by selecting optional feature, it should pull in all required features.
B2. Webtools Update Site
- Currently Webtools site
- Main install scenario to test here
- Install webtools from Ganymede
- Go to Webtools update site to get the matching SDK portion, for those users that need the source and JavaDoc.
Note: for those of you that haven't seen it yet, the current UI for Software Updates has one very different behavior than the old UM UI. (This is documented as an issue in bug 224472) If you install something like "Web Developer" which also includes XML and JavaScript, the included features stay on the "available software" list, as though it was not installed (even though it was). The reason for this is to "match" exactly what the user choose to install, not what was done "under the covers"). I think ... though I haven't tested it myself ... is that this allows for improved uninstall behavior (or, at least will in the future). So certainly open bugs if you find them, or see things you don't like ... but, this final exercise isn't to test or evaluate "Software Updates" UI .. it's just to make sure things work with respect to Webtools installations.
Install test results
Test Passed =Test Failed =
Test Pending =
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