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WTP 2009-07-23
WTP Development Status Meeting
Note: feel free to correct any errors/omissions in above attendance record.
Announcements And Special Reports
- Eclipse Summit Europe takes place October 27-29 in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
Call for participation is open until August 18, 2009: There are five talk categories: 1) embedded, 2) IDEs, 3) modeling, 4) runtime, or 5) other new & noteworthy that is of interest to Eclipse developers and users.
WTP Calendar
WTP 3.1.x
- "Friday" based cycle
- 7/17 M Build
- 7/31 M Build
- 8/14 M Build
- 8/28 M Build (PMC Review starts following this build)
- 9/11 M Build
- 9/18 Final Build
- 9/25 Galileo SR1
- ...
- Galileo SR2 2/26/10 (will be WTP 3.1.2) (last Friday of February)
WTP 3.2
- Ready to declare latest build?
- Planning (initial plans due on or before first Milestone)
- See
- For general directions, you can use the 3.1 Project Plans reference.
Need to re-consider schedule to be based on "+2" dates, these are just "end dates" for the Helios Milestones, we'd be a few days earlier. Which would mess up our Friday rhythm :(
Also, need to put 3.2 and 3.1.1 on same calendar, and see what kind of trouble that causes.
- The intent is to "line up" with first four milestones of Helios Release. Our 3.2 work will also be input to any Helios builds.
- M1 8/21
- M2 10/2
- Initial standard-format plans due 10/2 -- for WTP 3.3!
- M3 11/13 Start 3.2 Rampdown and PMC Review
- M4/Release 12/18
Other business
- It was asked if bugs have been open for all retrospective action items yet (answer: no) as there is still concern about builds taking so long (there are bugs to improve builds).
- There will be a new "Community Forums" front end to newsgroups. It will be even more important to make sure descriptions for our WTP groups are clear, even for the "casual user".
To improve descriptions associated with newsgroups via Eclipse Portal: Use the Portal > Eclipse Projects > [view] > [maintain] Project Info Metadata > newsgroup Mail has been sent to webmaster asking how to handle subprojects which re-use 'eclipse.webtools' (i.e. do we need to repeat description? Provide a different one?)
See also the WTP Meeting Archive-Reference Page.