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WTP 2007-10-04
WTP Development Status Meeting 2007-10-04
Announcements And Reports
- EclipseCon 2008 submissions due November 19th
- Report on September Bug Day. The next Bug Day is on the 26th
Action Items
- Current Action Items:
- Primary website Landing Page needs new Projects. See bug 201331.
- Backlog and Quality metrics
- Untargeted severity "Major" and higher bugs opened before January 1st, 2007 (Last week - 3; Currently ~ 3)
- Untargeted Enhancements opened before January 1st, 2007 (Last week - 195; Currently ~ 195)
- Upcoming Action Item:
- Untargeted bugs with patches attached opened before January 1st, 2007 (Last week - 40; Currently ~ 40)
WTP 2.0.1
Congratulations and THANKS!
WTP 2.0.2
- Schedule - Details...
- Bug Lists
- All Remaining 2.0.2 Targeted Bugs (~0)
- 2.0.2 Hot Bug Requests (~0)
- 2.0.2 Hot Bugs (~1)
- 2.0.2 Bugs for PMC Approval (~0)
- 2.0.2 Untargeted Blockers/Criticals (~1)
- 2.0.2 Blockers/Criticals (~2)
- 2.0.2 Total JST, WST, JSF Bugs Fixed (~6)
- 2.0.2 Dali Total Bugs Fixed (~0)
- 2.0.2 Resolved, Unverified Blockers/Criticals (~6) By Assignee
- Weekly declared build status
WTP 3.0
- Web Tools Platform Release 3.0 Requirements and WTP 3.0 Plans
- Untriaged Enhancement Requests (~22)
- Complete Next Draft of WTP 3.0 planning by 10/10 (next Wednesday) (We'll always iterate, one week after each milestone).
Congratulations and THANKS!
- M3 Schedule
- our +2 date: November 14, Wednesday,
- Final Code released by November 7
- Declared Build Status
- No declared I-build this week
- Bug Lists
- 3.0 Invalid Targeted Bugs (~1)
- 3.0 M3 Targeted Bugzilla Enhancements (~3)
- All Remaining 3.0 Targeted Enhancements (~186)
- 3.0 M3 Remaining Targeted Bugs (~19)
- 3.0 M3 Hot Bug Requests (~0)
- 3.0 M3 Hot Bugs (~0)
- 3.0 M3 Blockers/Criticals (~0)
- 3.0 M3 JST, WST, JSF Bugs Fixed (~44)
- 3.0 M3 JPT Dali Bugs Fixed (~2)
- 3.0 Untargeted Blockers/Criticals (~1)
- 3.0 Resolved, Unverified Blockers/Criticals (~8) By Assignee
Bug Backlogs
- All Untriaged WTP Bugs (Graph)
- All Untriaged WTP Bugs (~101)
- All WTP Verified, Not Closed Bugs (Graph)
- All WTP Verified, Not Closed Bugs (~63)
- All WTP Resolved, Unverified Bugs (Graph)
- All WTP Resolved, Unverified Bugs (~1119)
- All WTP Defect Backlog (Graph)
- All WTP Defect Backlog (~3130)
- All WTP Future Bugs (~41)
- All Open WTP Bugs with Patches Attached (Graph)
- All Open WTP Bugs with Patches Attached (~212)
- All API Requests (~11)
Other business?
- ?
Teams Status and Focus for Coming Week
Server Tools
Source Editors
- JSP source parser updates
- Addressing 3.0 requirement for more configurable XML and HTML formatting (95091,194698)
- Working on updating bug backlogs
- Ongoing triaging of incoming bug reports
Web Services/WSDL
Java EE
Dali JPT
- JPT 1.0.1
- Testing final builds and recent DTP changes
- JPT 2.0
- Working on new resource models for JPT 2.0
- Refactoring context model
- Branching Strategy
- Please review and comment on the WTP How to: Branching Policy and Practices guide.
- In general, the minimum is if you branch a plug-in to branch all the plug-ins in the corresponding map file. It is fine to branch everything if you choose as well. We may need to reorganize map files slightly and we can investigate that on a case by case basis. This is intended to be a living document and open to evolutions and improvements.
- Instructions for tagging existing and new WTP wiki pages can be found at WTP's Category page; remember, we can create subcategories as well
- This Week's Smoke Test Results
- Build Declaration Process Refined - See WTP Build Process and Procedures
- Reminder:
- Information about process for milestone bugzilla line item planning has been added to the WTP Bugs, Workflow, and Conventions document.
- PMC Candidate Review Request Checklist - See the updated PMC Review document with attention to the "How To Prepare a PMC Defect Candidate" section
- Adopter Migration Information for WTP 2.0 - Please add any details for your component.
- Website
- Documentation on Setting up your system for Web Tools Web site development and Using Web Tools Phoenix PHP templates is on the wiki at Web Tools Web Site Development.
- Bug Days
- Mark any applicable bugs with keyword "bugday", but only if you'll have a representative on hand to respond through Bugzilla or in IRC
- Current WTP Bug Day bugs (~50)