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WTPNewsletter 20070427
WTP Weekly What's Cooking?
Headline News!
- WTP 2.0 JEE5 Test Scenarios Published
- Axis2 Web services runtime is now supported by the Web services tools in this week's WTP 2.0 I build. You can now create bottom-up and top-down Axis2 Web service and their associated Axis2 Web service clients.
- A Webinar: "Introduction to Web services tools in WTP" will be held on May 3 at 3:00 pmGMT (11:00 EST).
- Eclipse platform now defaults a spell checker, enabled for workspace files.
WTP 2.0
- Remaining Europa Timeline
April 2007 - June 2007 Platform +1 WTP M7 - RC0 May 04 May 11 May 18 RCn... Europa Jun 29 Jun 29 Jun 29
April 20, 2007 - April 27, 2007
- Adopter Breakage Report
- [ Report]
- Details
- In org.eclipse.wst.server.ui.internal.Messages, the fields host,name,vendor, and version were removed.
- In the internal package, org.eclipse.wst.server.core.internal, deprecated classes ModuleEvent, ModuleFactoryEvent, and IModuleListener were removed.
- In the internal class org.eclipse.wst.server.core.internal.ServerPlugin, getModuleArtifact(...) was removed.
- In the internal class, org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.internal.common.operations.JavaModelUtil, the method findType(..) changed arguments. This class is basically a copy of a JEM class to avoid adding a JEM dependency, and to keep up with changes in JEM, this class was updated.
- In org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPHeader and org.eclipse.wst.wsdl.binding.soap.SOAPHeaderFault, the methods getPart(...), setPart(...), getMessage(...), setMessage(...) were replaced by new methods. Details:
- The WSDL model SOAPHeader and SOAPAddress classes should have been inheriting the WSDL4J interfaces but weren't. Unfortunately the javax.wsdl interface already defines getMessage() and getPart () using a different signature. So this is a case where in order to 'fix' our model to make it comply with the WSDL4J we needed to break the 'provisional API' (these classes specified api=false in the component.xml file). Current clients will simply need to change references from getPart or getMessage to getEPart and getEMessage to access the EMF equivalent classes.
- Plugin Version Changes
Remaining for 2.0 RC0
Migrating to M6
- See the M6 Migration Guide for help porting to M6
Focus Areas
WTP 1.5.4
April 20, 2007 - April 27, 2007
- Plugin Version Changes
Remaining for 1.5.4
- Visit the WTP 2.0 Ramp Down plan for updated information on features still in plan for 2.0.