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Using VisIt in ICE
The Visit Visualization Tool offers scientists and researchers powerful visualization and data analysis capabilities. These capabilities may be accessed interactively via VisIt's graphical user interface or by VisIt's command line interface (CLI) with its Python API. In order to use the tool from within software developed in Java, VisIt also provides users with a Java API packaged as a JAR file, which is available at the VisIt downloads page. Examples of using this API can be found here.
ICE uses the VisIt Java API to perform a variety of data analysis and visualization tasks.
In order to utilize the gov.ornl.nice.visit.viewer bundle from within ICE, the gov.ornl.nice.visitanalysistool (or VisItAnalsysisTools) plugin has been developed. By implementing the interfaces found in the gov.ornl.nice.analysistool package, the VisItAnalsysisTools plugin provides the capabilities shown in the list below. When included within NiCE, the resulting image can then be manipulated and displayed within an ICE ResourceComponent.
- Launch VisIt as a service running on a background port.
- Open a data file in the SILO format.
- Extract a list of scalar quantities available for plotting as a Pseudocolor plot.
- Create Pseudocolor plots for a subset of available quantities.
- Set each plot's attributes to custom or default values.
- Store the Pseudocolor plot on disk as a PNG image.
Using the VisItAnalysisTools Plugin
The VisItAnalysisTools plugin consists of three classes:
- VisItAnalysisTool
- VisItAnalysisDocument
- VisItAnalysisAsset
and one enumeration:
- VisItAnalysisPictureProperty
As seen in the diagram below, these classes implement the interfaces defined in the gov.ornl.nice.analysistool plugin.
[-img src=Visitanalysistool class diagram.png: missing =-]
Let's examine the roles of each class.
The VisItAnalysisTool class acts as a wrapper class for a running VisIt process. Upon instantiation, this class configures and launches VisIt via classes in the gov.ornl.nice.javavisit bundle. Notice that the VisItAnalysisTool class has two constructors. The parameterized constructor requires two arguments: the path to the VisIt installation's bin directory and the port number used for launching VisIt as a service running in the background. If the nullary constructor is used, the System Properties listed in the table below must be set. See ICE System Properties to view descriptions of other system properties possibly required by NiCE.
System Property | Description | Example Value |
visit.binpath | The absolute path to the local installation of VisIt used by the VisItAnalysisTools bundle. | /usr/local/visit/bin |
visit.port | The port number used for launching VisIt as a service running in the background. | 5600 |
The VisItAnalysisDocument class represents a particular set of data which allows access to quantities available for plotting by VisIt. An object of this type holds a collection of VisItAnalysisAssets.
A VisItAnalysisAsset corresponds to a particular quantity that will be plotted and saved as a PNG image. Users can robustly modify the plot's appearance by setting property values for a VisItAnalysisAsset object via the setProperty() operation. The names of VisItAnalysisAsset's properties correspond to the enumeration literals contained in the VisItAnalysisPictureProperty enum. The string used as property name in the setProperty() operation can be accessed by calling the enumeration literal's toString() operation or by inspecting the java.lang.Properties object returned by VisItAnalysisAsset's getProperties() operation.
The table seen below lists the property name, description and available values as well as the corresponding VisItAnalysisPictureProperty enumeration literal.
Property Name (i.e., Literal.toString()) | VisItAnalysisPictureProperty Literal | Property Description | Available Values |
Colortable | COLORTABLE | The image's colortable by name | The available color table names are retrieved by calling the getAvailableColorTables() operation in VisItAnalysisAsset. |
Database Label Type | DATABASE_LABEL_TYPE | The type of database label | Available types are File, Directory and Full. |
Image Width (pixels) | IMAGE_WIDTH | The image's width in pixels | Integer |
Image Height (pixels) | IMAGE_HEIGHT | The image's height in pixels | Integer |
Invert Colortable | INVERT_COLORTABLE | Whether or not to invert the selected color table | true or false |
Mesh Name | MESH_NAME | The name of the mesh to be displayed. A value of true must be set for the Show Mesh property for the selected mesh to be displayed. | All available mesh names can be accessed by calling the getAvailableMeshes() VisItAnalysisAsset operation. |
Pan X | PAN_X | The image's pan x value | Double |
Pan Y | PAN_Y | The image's pan y value | Double |
Scale Minimum | SCALE_MIN | The scale's minimum value. VisIt's default value will be used if an empty string is passed as the value of this property. | Double |
Scale Maximum | SCALE_MAX | The scale's maximum value. VisIt's default value will be used if an empty string is passed as the value of this property. | Double |
Scale Skew Factor | SCALE_SKEW_FACTOR | The scale's skew factor. A value of Skew must be set for Scale Type for this property to take effect. | Double |
Scale Type | SCALE_TYPE | The scale's type. If Skew is selected, then a value for Scale Skew Factor should be set. | Available types are Lin, Log and Skew. |
Show Axes | SHOW_AXES | Whether to display the x, y, and z axes | true or false |
Show Bounding Box | SHOW_BOUNDING_BOX | Whether to display a bounding box | true or false |
Show Database Label | SHOW_DATABASE_LABEL | Whether to display the database label | true or false |
Show Date and User | SHOW_DATE_AND_USER | Whether to display the image's creation date and user. Note that in the current version of VisIt these properties can not be decoupled. | true or false |
Show Legend | SHOW_LEGEND | Whether to display the legend | true or false |
Show Mesh | SHOW_MESH | Whether to display the mesh. A value for Mesh Name must also be set for this to be applied to the plot. | true or false |
Show Triad | SHOW_TRIAD | Whether to display the triad | true or false |
Angle of View (degrees) | VIEW_ANGLE | The angle of view in degrees | Double |
View Normal X | VIEW_NORMAL_X | The X component of the unit vector normal to the view | A double between 0 and 1 |
View Normal Y | VIEW_NORMAL_Y | The Y component of the unit vector normal to the view | A double between 0 and 1 |
View Normal Z | VIEW_NORMAL_Z | The Z component of the unit vector normal to the view | A double between 0 and 1 |
View Up X | VIEW_UP_X | The X component of the unit vector pointing up | A double between 0 and 1 |
View Up Y | VIEW_UP_Y | The Y component of the unit vector pointing up | A double between 0 and 1 |
View Up Z | VIEW_UP_Z | The Z component of the unit vector pointing up | A double between 0 and 1 |
X Axis Label | X_AXIS_LABEL | The X axis label | String |
Y Axis Label | Y_AXIS_LABEL | The Y axis label | String |
Z Axis Label | Z_AXIS_LABEL | The Z axis label | String |
X Axis Units | X_AXIS_UNITS | The X axis units | String |
Y Axis Units | Y_AXIS_UNITS | The Y axis units | String |
Z Axis Units | Z_AXIS_UNITS | The Z axis units | String |
Zoom Level | ZOOM_LEVEL | The zoom level in percent | Double |