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UI Best Practices Working Group Meeting - 2006-11-22

Attending: Neil Hauge, Oracle; Bob Fraser, BEA; Karen Moore, Al Fullbright, Valentina Popescu, IBM; David Williams, IBM; Tom Gullion, Borland; Mick Kersten, Mylar; Tim Wagner, BEA; Michael Scharf, Wind River; Boris Bokowski, IBM; Shaun Smith, Oracle; David Springgay, IBM

UI Show and Tell

Neil Hauge gave a demonstration of the Web Tools JPA project (Dali) focusing on issues around editing and configuring ORM properties and the interaction with Java annotaions and/or XML files.

The highlights can be found in this email thread:

Re: UIBPWG meeting on Wednesday, November 22nd - Post meeting discussion

Action Items

In the email thread mentioned above ther are a some specific bug/enhancement requests related to the tabbed property editor that this group should look into and perhaps help drive.

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