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TigerstripeF2F 20080421
< To: Tigerstripe Face2Face Meetings
- April 21-23, 2008
- Seattle, WA, hosted by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Proposed Discussion Topics
1. Testing a. API b. GUI c. Diagrams
2. "Customisability" a. Custom naming rules for new ModelComponents (incl artifacts). This is an idea to allow users (eg Chameleon) to override the naming rules for new things - as opposed to fixing naming rules in teh application - eg having "Has" in the middle of association names.
b. Default settings for new Artifacts/components. Possible save a "template" object with the default types, values, stereotypes etc. Any new "thing" would use this template.
3. Headless Environment
- Initialization
- Plug-in configuration via Headless plug-in (Maven, ANT).
4. Documentation/Tutorial review
5. Import/Export
- UML cross project export
- UML import
6. Handling of OSSJ specifics
7. EMF
8. Split of features.
9. Annotations (new framework)
We reviewed all current bugzillas, and updated them as appropriate. In particular, those that we going to be included in the upcoming builds were attached to a target Milestone (0.3M1, or 0.3M2) on Bugzilla.
- J. Strawn
- R. Craddock
- E. Dillon