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- (Cisco) Jim Strawn, E. Dillon, J. Worrell, D. Keysell, R. Craddock, S. Jerman
- (Xored) Yuri Strot
- Post ganymede migration
- Richard noticed a few missing labels. Eric to fix label providers/content providers. Shouldn't be a big deal.
- GMF upgrade to 2.1 triggered a number of changes on the look-n-feel for Class/Instance diagrams. (wrappingLabels).
- "Type" showing on Enumerations (and not aligned properly)
- Additional unnecessary <<>> on Associations/Dependencies
- There are currently NullPointerExceptions being thrown when using Annotations on Method/Attribute/literals and renaming them.
- NullPointerException too when using artifacts from modules on diagrams with annotations.
- Steve noted some potential error on Manifest for TSRouter. Steve to bring it up if still a problem.
- Componentized models - blocking issues
- Basically 3 bugs to be taken care of by 0.3M0:
- 240658, 239947, (duncan to create: link to Annotation definitions from TS Generators)
- status on import/export (UML2 vs. XMI)
- UML2 vs. XMI import/export not clear. Need clarification from TMF users. Also Eric to invite TMF TIP members to the Tigerstripe call as needed.
- OCL export of Annotations. Bug 240157, updated by Tricia. Richard to investigate a additional Extension point to provide the right hooks.
- Annotations related topics
- Discussion with John (See dev list)
- Fixed by Yuri (240630). Steve to update his defs of annotations. Small change in API.
- Annotations on Diagrams
- Seems to be all in place now. Still NullPointerExceptions in TS code (see above. Bugzilla to be created).
- Custom editors
- Enhancements to avoid searchs (brought up by John, to write an Enhancement bugzilla). This would be lower priority.
- Attribute rename (Duncan) - Bug 240560
- No longer able to reproduce. Duncan to resolve bug and keep an eye on it.
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