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TigerstripeCommunity 20080707
- D. Keysell,R. Craddock, E. Dillon
Excused: J. Strawn
- Ganymede Migration
- Changes are ready to be committed.
- New code doesn't build on Europa, so need a cut-over date for all devs.
- Tentatively targeting Weds 20080709, Eric to send email out on Weds morning Pacific time.
- Need to update build and check UI test framework still works.
- IPackageArtifact
- All in place.
- Refactoring is currently working.
- Additional work required on an Update request to rename packages.
- Can only rename the last segment on the package.
- Junit tested from UI tests.
- Base JUnit tests needed.
- JUnit in nightly builds
- noticed 20 errors in the nightly builds base JUnits.
- Seems related to bug 219575. Fix is in place now, just started a build to verify the JUnit is back to normal.
- Annotation Framework
- Eric sent feedback to Yuri last week.
- seems fairly stable. Eric to sync-up with him tomorrow (Tue)