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TigerstripeCommunity 20080609
< To: Tigerstripe_Community_Meetings
- S. Jerman, D. Keysell, R. Craddock, E. Dillon, J. Strawn
- Annotations Hardening-update
- More hardening was just put in to account for SCM updates. This now uses Tstamp and allows the TAF to rebuild the indexes as needed
- One more thing to be put in is support for renaming of .ann (annotation) files.
- 0.3 Release (Review scheduled)
- Release review scheduled for June 25th.
- Eric preparing the docuware. The release should be ready (code-wise) by Wed this week.
- Will have a I build today as this should be 99% code complete.
- “Support for 83 projects” :-)
- As a result of componentization of a large Cisco model, split lead to 83 projects.
- Needed to bump up the VM a bit, but seems to hold water.
- Additional testing required, also some more thinking required around updates of diagrams, across components and SCM.
- Documentation update.
- Richard completed the items as discussed f2f in SEA.
- Eric & Jim to do their bits this week.
- More discussion about documentation during f2f in SJC next week.
- Duncan's Documentation Generator is almost ready, and should be on the website by the end of the week.
- 0.4 Planning & Face-2-Face.
- topics to be assembled over email this week.