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TigerstripeCommunity 20080331
< To: Tigerstripe_Community_Meetings
- Present: E. Dillon, J. Strawn, R. Craddock, D. Keysell
- Minutes
- 0.3S4 Build
- Build is ready as of Friday. Can't be published on Eclipse website? Eric to check with Eclipse Legal (CQ9153 is still pending). We might be able to use Parallel IP process.
- UI functionalities seem stable (green light from Chris). API is stabilizing.
- OSSJ Plugin Migration
- OSSJ plugin migration, initial stab. Got feedback from V. Perrot. Need further study. Not expected to be a pb.
- New Maven plugin needs to be documented on Wiki (J. Strawn to take care of it)
- Webinar on April 17th
- need to emphasize the following points:
- M0-Level generation: ready locally. Not committed yet to avoid problems with 0.3S4 build.
- Model Annotations: to be updated.
- EMF migration: initial meta-model and persistence in place. Needs to be taken forward now. Hoping more progress between now and Webinar to demo.
- Eric to announce it on multiple mailing lists and forums.
- need to emphasize the following points:
- GUI Testing
- looking for approach to GUI Testing. Previous approach based on TPTP to be dropped as TPTP GUI Recorder not supported anymore. Looking into 3rd party.
- JUnit on class diagrams for commercial version to be ported on Open-source code stream.
- Bugzilla mgt. Richard to prepare a weekly bugzilla review list to actively manage entries.
- 0.3S4 Build