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TigerstripeCommunity 20080211
< To: Tigerstripe_Community_Meetings
- Present: E. Dillon, S. Jerman, D. Keysell
- R. Craddock and J. Strawn are out this week.
- Minutes
- Quick call covering quick update. Mainly focused on API refactoring.
- Eric to keep at it next week so that R. can test an early build and start looking into plugin migration.
- Status update on 3rd party .jar files and Eclipse Legal
- No progress.
- Update & Demo of Annotations
- We might have additional contributers for annotations. Under discussion.
- Build plan:
- Hoping to start builds by end of the week/early next week.
- Unlikely that Eclipse Legal will have cleared both Qdox and Velocity.
- We might want to post temporary builds on in the meantime.