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TigerstripeCommunity 20080128
< To: Tigerstripe Community Meetings
Meeting canceled, as I (Eric) will be traveling. Here is a quick update for this past week's progress:
- 3rd party .jar: Eclipse Legal has scheduled Velocity for Feb’08. We are hoping to get Qdox’s last questionnaires in time for the same Feb milestone.
- Annotations: we have an early prototype working (Thx to Jim). At this stage we can annotate/decorate any URI in the workspace. Jim is polishing a demo for early feedback. The next step will be looking at integration with Tigerstripe. As it stands the annotation framework will be completely generic allowing to annotate/decorate any resource in the workspace.
- Mentors Intro: Steve, Ed and I met with our mentors and another Cosmos member last Tuesday. We provided an intro to Tigerstripe and got some nice feedback.
- We will explore integration with Cosmos (maybe leading to a f2f in EclipseCon).
- The main recommendation from our mentors at this stage was to “polish up” our API. A Stable, properly designed API is a key to adoption of the project… so we will polish it :-).
- Tigerstripe API refactor: Thanks to Richard a lot has happened already, however a lot more is required. We are keeping track of all changes in apiRefactoring-notes.txt in the base plugin. Changes range from renaming of classes and packages, to more involved re-work around the lifecycle of the model artifact to ensure integrity of the model, and true-decoupling of the persistence layer. We are hoping to get to a first “integration build” late this week, or early next week. At this time, we’ll probably start porting the testing framework (Duncan :-)?) to make sure we haven’t broken anything.
I’ll work with Jim this week to schedule a demo of the Annotations stuff.