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Third Party Solutions
The following products are (or were) based on Higgins.
Personal Data Store
- Mydex Community Prototype - Gives individuals a Personal Data Store that they can use to share data with various RPs, including UK government entities.
Active Clients / Selectors:
- Azigo Selector - Adobe AIR-based selector for Windows and Mac OSX
- Novell DigitalMe for Linux/Mac - Selectors based on the Higgins GTK and Cocoa Selector 1.0 (also open source)
- SOPERA 3.2 - STS
- IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager 6.2
- Novell Bandit STS/IdP Solution - STS IdP (also open source)
- Eclipse ALF Project - The Open Integration and Interoperability Framework for ALM Tools
- Serena Business Mashups
- ...and probably others that we don't know about :-)