Notice: This Wiki is now read only and edits are no longer possible. Please see: for the plan.
Creates a new table row on the Components page. This represents a specific component.
- param: name The component's name. This will be turned into a wiki link such that viewers may click this link and land on an architecture page for this component. This name is also used to create an anchor on the page.
- param: altname Alternate link name text. This allows the component name to be different from the text that appears as the link name.
- param: dir name of svn directory under the root org.eclipse.higgins location. Only set this if you don't set plugdir or appdir
- param: plugdir name of svn directory under the org.eclipse.higgins/plugins location. Only set this if you don't set dir or appdir
- param: appdir name of svn directory under the org.eclipse.higgins/app location. Only set this if you don't set dir or plugdir
- param: ver list of versions that this component is part of.
- param: first version that this component appeared first time.
- param: otherdl allows other links to be added to the download column.
- param: wikiuser The owner's wikiname (like
- param: username Human-readable name of the owner.
- param: downloadurl Download URL
- param: ontdir The name of SVN directory where ontology files (higgins.owl and others) are placed
- param: docdir The name of SVN directory where documentation is placed