CVS check-out of all of the test plug-ins in the /test-results/<project>/* modules.
Configure and run the Agent Controller on the reference platform.
Paul created the root-level test suites for BVTs. The test infrastructure will execute the org.eclipse.hyades.tests/AllBVT<test type>Tests.testsuite test suites. We do not need to check-in the execution results to CVS due to disk space limitations and polluting of our test pass results. Each developer can rerun the automated tests to reproduce a failure.
Paul created the BVT deployment to the reference platform.
Automatically generating the Test Report based on the existing test execution results in CVS.
Paul modified the BIRT tabular test report to walk an execution result to generate a detailed test report from a root-level execution result.
Check for Intel build to complete (every x hours) before launching the BVTs.
Automatically posting the Test Report to /tptp/test/reports/<release>.
Cleanup of the reference platform.
Documenting the test infrastructure for use in the second testing process document, which will be required by TPTP adopters or extenders.
Email notifications to component leads for failing test suites.
When generating reports, the report has no entries: Paul and Sheldon are investigating.
Integrate review comments for the second draft of the Testing Process (part 1) document by Monday, December 3.
Add more detailed content to the first draft of the Testing Process (part 2) by Monday, December 3.
Outstanding issues for the PoC (integrate the ASF with the TPTP builds to check-out a 'Hello World' TPTP JUnit test suite from CVS, run the test suite on an Eclipse instance running on the target platform, and generate a BIRT report on the test execution using existing sample code).
Determine labor cost (PW) for a) full test pass and b) smoke test pass from project leads.
Encourage Project Leads to automate existing manual test suites.
Upcoming Meeting
We will meet next on Monday, December 3 (9 AM ET).