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Subversive Capabilities Location
In Galileo, the Subversive Capabilities plug-in was included as part of the package process. In Helios, capabilities were pulled out of that process and to be documented separately. The goal of this document is to explain where to find the existing Capabilities plug-in in SVN.
The existing Capabilities plug-in can be found in SVN: Really all that's in this plug-in is the org.eclipse.ui.activities extension point in the plugin.xml at this point. All that the extension does is shut down the Subversive plug-ins:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.activities"> <activity name="" id="" description=""> </activity> <activityPatternBinding activityId="" pattern="org\.eclipse\.team\.svn\.ui/.*"> </activityPatternBinding> <activityPatternBinding activityId="" pattern="org\.eclipse\.team\.svn\.core/.*svnnature"> </activityPatternBinding> <activityRequirementBinding activityId="" requiredActivityId=""> </activityRequirementBinding> <!-- Subversive in Team category --> <categoryActivityBinding activityId="" categoryId="org.eclipse.categories.teamCategory"> </categoryActivityBinding> <!-- Subversive capability enabled by default --> <defaultEnablement id=""> </defaultEnablement> </extension>
To actually make use of these sample capability definitions, an adopter or product needs to "bind" them, "enable" them, and fit them into some preference page for capabilities.