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Step 2 Functional and Physical Architecture
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Activities - Phase 2
- 2.1 SR.3.1 - Document or update the Functional System Design
- 2.2 SR.3.2 - Make trade-offs of the System Functional Architecture
- 2.3 SR.3.3 - Document or update the Physical System Design
- 2.4 SR.3.4 - Make trade-offs of the System Physical Architecture
- 2.5 SR.3.5 - Verify and obtain approval of the System Design
- 2.6 SR.3.6 - Establish or update the Integration plan and Integration Procedures for System integration
- 2.7 SR.3.7 - Document the System User Manual (Optional)
- 2.8 SR.3.8 - Verify and obtain approval of the System User Manual (Optional)
- 3 Navigation Links
Once we have elicited the Autonomous Rover Requirements (Stakeholder and System) and agreed that the team accepts them as a good definition of the Stakeholder's needs, the Team then proceeds to find a solution that will fit the problem.
Activities - Phase 2
The activities below are defined and described in the Functional and Physical Architecture DP.
SR.3.1 - Document or update the Functional System Design
SR.3.2 - Make trade-offs of the System Functional Architecture
Achieving an optimal architecture for the Autonomous Rover requires that a number of trade studies be carried out to find and select a collection of interacting functional components. The studies shown below are by no means an exhaustive list of studies to perform, but provide a good idea of what those studies consist of.
Simultaneous Location and Mapping (SLAM)
Selection Criteria
Threat Detection and Assessment
Hazardous/Toxic Substances
Explosive Gasses
User Interface
Rover Controls and Indications
Tablet Interface
Android Tablet Interface
iOS Tablet Interface
SR.3.3 - Document or update the Physical System Design
SR.3.4 - Make trade-offs of the System Physical Architecture
The development of the Autonomous Rover requires multiple decisions to be made regarding its physical architecture and the selection of components upon which the Autonomous Rover will be articulated. The paragraphs below identify some of the more important trade studies the Systems Engineers and Designers need to consider in order to achieve an optimal solution. As for the Functional Architecture studies, the list below is by no means exhaustive. What other studies can you think of?
Autonomous Rover Cost
Selection Criteria
As stated in the Stakeholder Requirements, the Autonomous Rover price must be kept to $200USD or less. This does not include:
- the Android or iOS (Apple) Tablet
- the transport case;
- the field toolkit; or
- spare parts.
Power Source
Selection Criteria
Power Sources
Power Budget Analysis
Mission Endurance Analysis
Processing Hardware
Selection Criteria
Raspberry PI
BeagleBone Black
Operating System
Selection Criteria
Robot Operating System
Platform Support
Motor Drivers
Sensor Turret
Wireless Off-board Communications
Battery Charger
Selection Criteria
DAGU5 Motor Encoders
Mapping Sensor
Selection Criteria
IR Sensor - fixed
IR Sensor - steerable
Acoustic Sensor - steerable
LIDAR Sensor - steerable
Android Tablet
Selection Criteria