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SOA/BPMN Modeler/BPMN Modeler Samples
If you would like to submit samples, please attach them to the bug 219833.
BPMN samples
BPMN samples are located in this SVN folder:
Complaint diagram (in French)
Bugzilla (EclipseCon 2008)
Due diligence process
This sample represents the page 1 of the due diligence process.
EclipseCon sample
Annotated shape sample
Order Store Sample
Connection Test sample
This sample just shows all types of connections supported by the current router.
Code samples
Hiding palette elements
BPEL to BPMN generation
This sample demonstrate the use of the BPMN generation API to create shapes from an other model. Although we have chosen to create shapes from a BPEL model, only the simplest constructs are taken into account (we just analyze the sequences and activities and try to produce some BPMN mockup out of them). This sample should not be taken as a way to create BPMN from BPEL files.
Annotation Drag and Drop
This sample contains a DnDHandler that will drop .txt files over any diagram shape, creating a EAnnotation that will contain the file text and details.
You can use the annotated shape sample to try it out and/or see the result of the drop.
Here is a howto to see the annotation details.
Decoration of an annotation
This sample reuses the annotations dropped by the drag and drop sample.
Provide your own edit parts
Load this sample in your eclipse configuration. It changes the text annotation edit parts to paint a gradient background. [[Image:text annotation with background.png
Bug sample (EclipseCon 2008)
See the tutorial for EclipseCon 2008
The bug view plugin:
The DnD plugin:
The bug editor