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STEM Contributor of the Year


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The STEM community is proud to recognize the contributions of the following members as

2018 Contributors of the year

Developer of the Year

In recognition of his outstanding contributions to STEM including
migration of STEM to the latest Eclipse 4 technology and migration
of the STEM build process to the new Eclipse Continuous Integration infrastructure,
the STEM community proudly presents to Ahmad Swaid
the 2018 STEM Developer of the Year Award.

Modelers of the Year


This year the STEM community would like to honor three members for their original research using STEM.
To Nereyda Sevilla for her work studying Germs on a Plane: The Transmission and Risks of Airplane-Borne Diseases.[1]
and to Tekla Engelhardt and Taras Günther for their contributions to STEM including an important model for
African Swine Fever. We also wish to congratulate Taras on his Masters thesis entitled
"Modellbasierte Analysen zur Ausbreitung der Afrikanischen Schweinepest bei Wildschweinen (Sus Scrofa)"[2]

The STEM community is proud to present the 2018 'Modelers of the Year Award' to
Nereyda Sevilla, Tekla Engelhardt, Taras Günther.

Writer of the Year

In recognition for her outstanding contributions as lead technical writer since the founding of our project,
the STEM community proudly presents to Judy Douglas the 2018 STEM Writer of the Year Award.

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