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SMILA/Documentation/Bundle org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets
This page describes the SMILA pipelets provided by bundle org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.
- 1 General
- 2 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.CommitRecordsPipelet
- 3 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.AddValuesPipelet
- 4 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.SetValuePipelet
- 5 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.RemoveAttributePipelet
- 6 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.FilterPipelet
- 7 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.HtmlToTextPipelet
- 8 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.CopyPipelet
- 9 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.SubAttributeExtractorPipelet
- 10 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.ReplacePipelet
- 11 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.ScriptPipelet
- 12 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.ExecPipelet
- 13 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.MimeTypeIdentifyPipelet
- 14 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.LanguageIdentifyPipelet
- 15 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.FileReaderPipelet
- 16 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.FileWriterPipelet
- 17 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.PushRecordsPipelet
- 18 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.JSONReaderPipelet
- 19 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.JSONWriterPipelet
- 20 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.DocumentSplitterPipelet
- 21 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.CodecPipelet
- 22 org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.StoreWriterPipelet
All pipelets in this bundle support the configurable error handling as described in SMILA/Development_Guidelines/How_to_write_a_Pipelet#Implementation. When used in jobmanager workflows, records causing errors are dropped.
Read Type
- runtime: Parameters are read when processing records. Parameter value can be set per Record.
- init: Parameters are read once from Pipelet configuration when initializing the Pipelet. Parameter value can not be overwritten in Record.
Commits each record in the input variable on the blackboard to the storages. Can be used to save the records immediately during the workflow instead of only when a workflow has been finished.
Adds something to an attribute in the processed records. If the attribute does not contain a sequence already, the current value will be wrapped in one before the new values are added.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
outputAttribute | string | runtime | The name of the attribute to add values to |
valuesToAdd | Anything, usually a value or a sequence of values | runtime | The values to add |
From a test pipeline: This adds two string values to whatever already exists in attribute "out" of the processed records.
<proc:invokePipelet name="addValuesToNonExistingAttribute"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.AddValuesPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="outputAttribute">out</rec:Val> <rec:Seq key="valuesToAdd"> <rec:Val>value1</rec:Val> <rec:Val>value2</rec:Val> </rec:Seq> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet>
Sets a value for an attribute in every processed records. If the attribute exists already, it is not change by default. Useful for initializations of required attributes.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
outputAttribute | string | runtime | The name of the attribute to set the value for |
value | anything | runtime | The constant value to set for the attribute (a map or sequence is possible, too) |
overwrite | boolean | runtime | Indicates to overwrite any value that the attribute contains already (optional, defaults to false) |
This sets a map containing two values into attribute1, even if there is already a value in that attribute.
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="setMapForExistingAttribute"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.SetValuePipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="outputAttribute">attribute1</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="overwrite" type="boolean">true</rec:Val> <rec:Map key="value"> <rec:Val key="key1">value1</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="key2">value2</rec:Val> </rec:Map> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Removes an attribute from each record.
The configuration property is either read from the _parameters attribute of a record or from the pipelet configuration. If not set at all, the record remains unchanged.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
removeAttribute | A string value | runtime | The name of the attribute to remove |
To remove the complete structure in attribute _parameters, use:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="removeParameters"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.RemoveAttributePipelet" /> <proc:variables input="result" output="result" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="removeAttribute">_parameters</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Copies only those record IDs to the result which match a configurable regular expression in a configurable single-valued attribute. This is useful for conditional processing while at the same time pushing multiple records through the pipeline in a single request: Instead of using BPEL conditions use a FilterPipelet to select only the matching records in a new variable and use the this variable as the input variable for the next pipelets. You can still use the original BPEL variable in the BPEL <reply> activity at the end of the pipeline to return all records as the final result.
The configuration properties are read either from the _parameters attribute of each record or from the pipelet configuration.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
filterAttribute | A string value | runtime | The name of the attribute to match |
filterExpression | A string value | runtime | The regular expression to match the attribute value against |
To get only those records in the textRecords BPEL variable that have a MimeType starting with text something like this could be used:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="invokeFilterPipelet"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.FilterPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="textRecords" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="filterAttribute">MimeType</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="filterExpression">text/.+</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Extract plain text and metadata from an HTML document from an attribute or attachment of each record and writes the results to configurable attributes or attachments.
The pipelet uses the CyberNeko HTML parser NekoHTML to parse HTML documents.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
inputType | String : ATTACHMENT, ATTRIBUTE | runtime | Defines whether the HTML input is found in an attachment or in an attribute of the record |
outputType | String : ATTACHMENT, ATTRIBUTE | runtime | Defines whether the plain text should be stored in an attachment or in an attribute of the record |
inputName | String | runtime | Name of input attachment or path to input attribute (process literals of attribute) |
outputName | String | runtime | Name of output attachment or path to output attribute for plain text (store result as literals of attribute) |
defaultEncoding | String | runtime | Optional, default encoding to apply to documents when not specified in the documents themselves |
removeContentTags | String | runtime | Comma-separated list of HTML tags (case-insensitive) for which the complete content should be removed from the resulting plain text. If not set, it defaults to "applet,frame,object,script,style". If the value is set, you must add the default tags explicitly to have their contents removed, too. |
keepCdata | Boolean | runtime | Optional, whether text in CDATA sections should be kept during extraction (true) or removed (false). |
meta:<name> | String: attribute path | init | Store the content of the <META> tag with name="<name>" (case insensitive) to the attribute named as the value of the property. E.g. a property named "meta:author" with value "authors" causes the content attributes of <META name="author" content="..."> tags to be stored in the attribute authors of the respective record. |
tag:title | String: attribute path | init | Store the content of the <TITLE> tag with to the attribute named as the value of the property. |
This configuration extracts plain text from the HTML document in attachment "html" and stores the results to the attribute "text". It removes the complete content of heading tags <h1>, ..., <h4>. In addition to that, it looks for <meta> tags with names "author" and "keywords" and stores their contents in attributes "authors" and "keywords", respectively:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="invokeHtml2Txt"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.HtmlToTextPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="inputType">ATTACHMENT</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputType">ATTRIBUTE</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="inputName">html</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputName">text</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="defaultEncoding">UTF-8</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="meta:author">author</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="meta:keywords">keywords</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="meta:title">title</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="removeContentTags">h1,h2,h3,h4</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
This pipelet can be used to copy or move attribute values to other attributes or to copy or move a string value between attributes and/or attachments. It suppoprts two execution modes:
- COPY: copy the value from the input attribute/attachment to the output attribute/attachment
- MOVE: same as COPY, but after that delete the value from the input attribute/attachment
When an attribute is copied to another attribute, the type remains the same. When copying an attachment to an attribute, a string value is created by assuming the the attachment is a text in UTF-8 encoding. When copying an attribute value to an attachment, the attribute must be single value which is interpreted as a string value and converted to a byte array using UTF-8 encoding.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
inputType | String : ATTACHMENT, ATTRIBUTE | runtime | selects if the input is found in an attachment or attribute of the record |
outputType | String : ATTACHMENT, ATTRIBUTE | runtime | selects if output should be stored in an attachment or attribute of the record |
inputName | String | runtime | name of input attachment or input attribute |
outputName | String | runtime | name of output attachment or output attribute |
mode | String : COPY, MOVE | runtime | execution mode. Copy the value or move (copy and delete) the value. Default is COPY. |
This configuration shows how to copy the value of attachment 'Content' into the attribute 'TextContent':
<!-- copy txt from attachment to attribute --> <extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="invokeCopyContent"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.CopyPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="inputType">ATTACHMENT</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputType">ATTRIBUTE</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="inputName">Content</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputName">TextContent</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="mode">COPY</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Extracts literal values from an attribute that has a nested map. The attributes in the nested map can have nested maps themselves. To address a attribute in the nested structure, a path needs to be specified. The pipelet supports different execution modes:
- FIRST: selects only the first literal of the specified attribute
- LAST: selects only the last literal of the specified attribute
- ALL_AS_LIST: selects all literal values of the specified attribute and returns a list
- ALL_AS_ONE: selects all literal values of the specified attribute and concatenates them to a single string, using a separator (default is blank)
This pipelet works only on attributes, not on attachments!
Note: If the maps on the path are nested in sequences, the pipelet uses the first element of such a sequence.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
inputPath | String | runtime | the path to the input attribute with Literals |
outputPath | String | runtime | the name of the attribute to store the extracted value(s) as Literals in (not a path, only a top-level attribute, currently) |
mode | String : FIRST, LAST, ALL_AS_LIST, ALL_AS_ONE | runtime | execution mode. See above for details. |
separator | String | runtime | the separation string used for mode ALL_AS_ONE. Default is a blank |
This configuration can be applied to records provided by the FeedAgent. It shows how to access the subattribute 'Value' of attribute 'Contents', concatenating all values to one:
<!-- extract content --> <extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="extract content"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.SubAttributeExtractorPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="inputPath">Contents/Value</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputPath">Content</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="mode">ALL_AS_ONE</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Searches for one or more patterns in the literal value of an attribute and substitutes the found occurrences by the configured replacements.
You can choose from different matching types:
- entity: Every pattern is matched against the whole attribute value (with respect to the ignoreCase property) and the first matching pattern defines the new value of the attribute. If no pattern matches, the result is the current value of the attribute.
- substring: All patterns that are part of the attribute value are replaced.
- regexp: Interpret all patterns as regular expression, see Matcher#replaceAll(String)
This pipelet works only on attributes, not on attachments!
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
inputAttribute | String | runtime | the name of the attribute that contains the literal to search in |
outputAttribute | String | runtime | the name of the attribute to store the result value as string, defaults to the input attribute |
type | String : entity, substring, regexp | init | Identifies the type of the pattern, see above for details. Defaults to substring. |
ignoreCase | Boolean | init | indicates that the case is ignored when matching patterns, defaults to false. |
mapping | Map | init | A mapping of multiple patterns and replacements. Each key is a pattern and its value the replacement. |
pattern | String | init | the pattern to apply to the literal value (see above for a description of possible types), required if no mapping is given |
replacement | String | init | the substitution string used to replace all occurrences of the pattern, defaults to the empty string |
This configuration can be used to map language ids to their label:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="set language label"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.ReplacePipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="inputAttribute">Language</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputAttribute">LanguageLabel</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="type">entity</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="ignoreCase" type="boolean">true</rec:Val> <rec:Map key="mapping"> <rec:Val key="de">German</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="en">English</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="es">Spanish</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="fr">French</rec:Val> ... </rec:Map> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
This configuration can be used to cut the time information from a timestamp:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="cut time"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.ReplacePipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="inputAttribute">ModificationTime</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputAttribute">ModificationDate</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="type">regexp</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="pattern">[T ].*</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="replacement"></rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Executes a script for each record.
For execution the Java Scripting API (JSR 223) is responsible - thus any compatible scripting engine can be used. JavaScript is available "out of the box" and the default script language.
The context of the script will contain four variables:
- blackboard: a reference to the blackboard
- id: the ID of the current record
- record: the metadata of the current record
- results: a slightly modified version of a result collector that provides methods to add a new record id to the list of result ids (results.addResult('')) and to drop the current record from the same list (results.excludeCurrentRecord())
- parameterAccessor: the ParameterAccessor instance for access to the configuration (e.g. parameterAccessor.getParameterAny("configMap").asMap().getLongValue("longValue")).
Please be aware that the intention of this pipelet is to write pipelines fast, but not to write fast pipelines - the script is parsed for every record. Don't use it for production environments where performance matters, but use it to develop an algorithm that you can put into your own pipelet.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
type | String | init | the mime type of the scripting language, defaults to "text/javascript" |
scriptFile | String | runtime | the path of the file that contains the script - modifications of this file are observed on every execution of the pipelet |
script | String | init | The "inline" script, required unless scriptFile is specified (ignored in that case) |
resultAttribute | String | runtime | The name of an attribute that will receive the result of the script (usually the result of the last expression) |
This configuration can be used to concatenate the values of two attributes and save the result into a third one:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="create full name"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.ScriptPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="script">record.get("firstName") + " " + record.get("lastName")</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="resultAttribute">fullName</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
This configuration can be used to execute a java script file from $SMILA_PATH$/configuration/example.js:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="execute script"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.ScriptPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="scriptFile">configuration/example.js</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Executes an external program for each record.
This pipelet may be used to integrate native programs into the pipeline.
Attention: This pipelet may lead to security issues! Please be aware that although one can not change the executed command during runtime (as this parameter is only evaluated at initialization time), it is possible to change the arguments and input of the command using values in the processed record. Every "pipeline developer" should ensure that only arguments in the expected value range are processed (especially if the program is allowing files from the file system as arguments).
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
command | String | init | The program to execute (including its path in the file system). |
directory | String | runtime | The (optional) working directory for the command. The SMILA directory is used if not given. |
parameters | Sequence of strings | runtime | The optional parameters given to the program (ignored if the contents of the parameters attribute exists). |
parametersAttribute | String | runtime | The optional name of the attribute that contains the sequence of parameters given to the program. |
inputAttachment | String | runtime | The optional name of the attachment that contains the bytes to send as input for the program. |
outputAttachment | String | runtime | The optional name of the attachment that is filled with the standard output of the program. |
exitCodeAttribute | String | runtime | The name of the attribute that is filled with the exit code of the program. |
errorAttachment | String | runtime | The optional name of the attachment that is filled with the error output of the program. |
failOnError | Either a boolean or a sequence of strings | runtime | Indicates to mark a record as failed if the program returns an error code. Either as a sequence of exit code ranges or as a boolean where "true" means that everything except 0 is an error code. Defaults to false. |
This configuration can be used to execute FFMPEG for transformation of an MP3 input file into a WAV output file:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="ConvertMP3"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.ExecPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="command">.../ffmpeg</rec:Val> <rec:Seq key="parameters"> <rec:Val>-i</rec:Val> <rec:Val>.../example.mp3</rec:Val> <rec:Val>-ar</rec:Val> <rec:Val>16000</rec:Val> <rec:Val>.../example.wav</rec:Val> </rec:Seq> <rec:Val key="failOnError" type="boolean">true</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
This pipelet is used to identify the MIME type of a document. It uses an org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.mimetype.MimeTypeIdentifier service to perform the actual identification of the MIME type. Depending on the specified properties, the MIME type is detected from the file content, from the file extension, or from both. If the identification does not return a MIME type - and if configured accordingly - the service will search the metadata for this information. The identified MIME type is then stored to an attribute in the record.
The pipelet is configured using the <configuration> section inside the <invokePipelet> activity of the corresponding BPEL file. It provides the following properties:
Property | Type | Read Type | Usage | Description |
FileExtensionAttribute | String | init | Optional | Name of the attribute containing the file extension |
ContentAttachment | String | init | Optional | Name of the attachment containing the file content |
MetaDataAttribute | String | init | Optional | Name of the attribute containing metadata information, e.g. a Web Crawler returns a response header containing applicable MIME type information |
MimeTypeAttribute | String | init | Required | Name of the attribute to store the identified MIME type to |
Note that at least one of the properties FileExtensionAttribute, ContentAttachment, and MetaDataAttribute must be specified!
The following example is used in the SMILA example application to identify the MIME types of documents that are delivered by the File System Crawler or Web Crawler.
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="detect MimeType"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.MimeTypeIdentifyPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="FileExtensionAttribute">Extension</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="MetaDataAttribute">MetaData</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="MimeTypeAttribute">MimeType</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
This pipelet identifies the language of textual input and stores the returned ISO 639 language code to some target attribute. It uses an org.eclipse.smila.common.language.LanguageIdentifier service to perform the actual identification. If the identification does not return a language, the specified DefaultLanguage (or DefaultAlternativeName) is returned. If no defaults are specified, no value is set.
The pipelet returns the detected language as an ISO 639 code. Where you need special language tags in your application, the pipelet is able to produce an alternative language code according to a configurable mapping. To define such a mapping, create the file SMILA/configuration/org.eclipse.smila.tika/ The following shows an exemplary mapping:
de=german en=english es=spanish fi=finnish fr=french
The pipelet uses Apache Tika technology for the actual language detection.
The pipelet is configured using the <configuration> section inside the <invokePipelet> activity of the corresponding BPEL file. It provides the following properties:
Property | Type | Read Type | Usage | Description |
ContentAttribute | String | runtime | Required | Name of the attribute containing the text whose language should be identified |
LanguageAttribute | String | runtime | Optional | Name of the attribute to store the code of the identified language to |
DefaultLanguage | String | runtime | Optional | Language code to set if no language could be detected. If not set and no language could be identified, the LanguageAttribute attribute remains empty. |
AlternativeNameAttribute | String | runtime | Optional | Name of the attribute to store the alternative language code of the identified language to. The mapping defining this alternative code must be located in SMILA/configuration/org.eclipse.smila.tika/ (see above). |
DefaultAlternativeName | String | runtime | Optional | Alternative language code to set if no language could be detected. If not set and no language could be identified, the DefaultAlternativeName attribute remains empty. |
UseCertainLanguagesOnly | Boolean | runtime | Optional | Boolean flag indicating whether to apply only those languages that were identified with a reasonable certainty (true) or all (false). Default is false. |
The following example could be used to identify the language of documents that are delivered by the File System Crawler or Web Crawler.
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="detect Language"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.LanguageIdentifyPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" output="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="ContentAttribute">Content</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="LanguageAttribute">Language</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="DefaultLanguage">de</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="AlternativeNameAttribute">AltLanguage</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="DefaultAlternativeName">german</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="UseCertainLanguagesOnly">false</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
This pipelet can be used to read content from a file and add it as an attachment.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
pathAttribute | String | runtime | The name of the attribute with the path of the file to read from |
contentAttachment | String | runtime | The name of the attachment to store the content |
<!-- read from file and add attachment --> <extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="invokeReadFile"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.FileReaderPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="pathAttribute">path</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="contentAttachment">content</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
This pipelet can be used to write the content of an attachment to a file.
If the attachment does not exist a warning is logged, but the record will not be dropped.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
pathAttribute | String | runtime | The name of the attribute with the path of the target file |
contentAttachment | String | runtime | The name of the attachment to write to the file |
append | Boolean | runtime | Indicates to append the attachment to the file (if it exists already), defaults to false |
This example saves all bytes of the attachment "content" to the file path that is contained in the attribute "path".
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="writeFile"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.FileWriterPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="pathAttribute">path</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="contentAttachment">content</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Sends all current records to another (asynchronous) job.
The records are not removed from the pipeline - thus a following pipelet in the current pipeline will process the records as well.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
job | String | init | The name of the target job. |
This example sends all current records to the job "TheOtherJob".
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="callJob"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.PushRecordsPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="job">TheOtherJob</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Fills attributes of the record from a JSON string.
It is not possible to overwrite the record id of the record, even if a key "_recordid" exists in the JSON string.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
inputType | String : ATTACHMENT, ATTRIBUTE | init | selects if the JSON string is found in an attachment or attribute of the record |
inputName | String | init | name of the input attachment or input attribute that contains the JSON string |
outputAttribute | String | init | the optional name of the attribute in the record where the generated object is put into. If no attribute is specified and the object is a map, all contained attributes are written to the current record. |
The following examples use this input object:
{ "jsonString": "{\"attribute1\": \"value1\"}" }
This example unwraps the contents of the attribute "jsonString" into the attribute "jsonObject":
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="readJSON"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.JSONReaderPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="inputType">ATTRIBUTE</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="inputName">jsonString</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputAttribute">jsonString</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
The result would be:
{ "jsonString": "{\"attribute1\": \"value1\"}", "jsonObject": { "attribute1": "value1" } }
This example unwraps the contents of the attribute "jsonString" into the object itself:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="readJSON"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.JSONReaderPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="inputType">ATTRIBUTE</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="inputName">jsonString</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
The result would be:
{ "jsonString": "{\"attribute1\": \"value1\"}", "attribute1": "value1" }
Writes some or all attributes of the record into a JSON string.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
inputAttributes | String/Sequence of String | init | the names of the attributes in the record that contain the objects to write into JSON. If nothing is given, the whole record is used. If only a string is given, the content of that attribute is used. |
outputType | String : ATTACHMENT, ATTRIBUTE | init | selects if the JSON string is written to an attachment or attribute of the record |
outputName | String | init | name of the target attachment or attribute |
printPretty | Boolean | init | Indicates to format the output for better readability, defaults to true. |
This example writes the content of attribute "a1" into the attribute "value" without any whitespaces:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="writeJSON"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.JSONWriterPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="inputAttributes">a1</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputType">ATTRIBUTE</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputName">value</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="printPretty" type="boolean">false</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
input : { "a1": [ 1 ], "a2": 2 } result : { "a1": [ 1 ], "a2": 2, "value": "[1]" }
This example appends the whole object to the file "records.log":
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="createJSONLogEntry"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.JSONWriterPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="outputType">ATTACHMENT</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="outputName">jsonLog</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity> <extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="createJSONFileName"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.SetValuePipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="outputAttribute">jsonFile</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="value">records.log</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity> <extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="appendToJSONLog"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.FileWriterPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="pathAttribute">jsonFile</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="contentAttachment">jsonLog</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="append" type="boolean">true</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
Splits a single input document into multiple separate output records. Just think of a book and its pages as an example. The splitter copies the attribute values of the document to each record. However, if an attribute exists both in the area of the enclosing document and in a sub record, the resulting record will carry its own attribute value instead of the document's one. In short: record values beat document values. The functionality of document splitting is only applied if the input record carries the given partsAttribute (see section "Configuration" below). If the input record does not carry that specific attribute, it is passed unchanged. If the attribute exists, yet misses any values, it will be removed.
If the splitting functionality is applied, each output record will receive an additional "_documentId" attribute containing the "_recordid" of the enclosing document. The effective "_recordid" of the output records is then an aggregate of "_documentId" and the page number joined via the string "###". Example:
{ "_documentId": "book.pdf", "_recordid": "book.pdf###0", ... }
The configuration property is read from the pipelet configuration.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
partsAttribute | A string value | runtime | The name of the attribute where the single pages of the document are contained. |
Imagine this example input to be split by the pipelet:
{ "_recordid": "document0.pdf", "author": "john maynard keynes", "subPages": [ { "content": "public spending must be pro-cyclical", "author": "adam smith" }, { "content": "public spending must be counter-cyclical" } ] }
The configuration must be as follows then:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="splitDocument"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.DocumentSplitterPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="result" output="result" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="partsAttribute">subPages</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
The output will be two separate records:
[ { "_recordid": "document0.pdf###0", "_documentId": "document0.pdf", "author": "adam smith", "content": "public spending must be pro-cyclical" }, { "_recordid": "document0.pdf###1", "_documentId": "document0.pdf", "author": "john maynard keynes", "content": "public spending must be counter-cyclical" } ]
Decodes encoded strings from attributes to binary attachments. E.g. if you want to upload one or more binary data attachments into SMILA and must (for whatever reason) embed the data into the JSON record (or if you already got encoded content from another service and want to send it to SMILA for further processing), this pipelet will convert it for you and store the decoded binary data as attachments.
Or if on the other hand you need the data from an attachment represented as a string in an attribute inside the JSON representation of the record's meta data, this pipelet can also do that for you.
The Input, if decoding, has to adhere to some syntactic restrictions, though.
The attribute containing the one ore more attachments has to be a sequence of maps containing
- the name of the attachment (key 'name')
- the encoded content as a string (key 'content')
The name of the attribute can be configured and defaults to '_attachments'.
Look at the following snippet that explains the JSON fragment for the decoding use case. It contains two BASE64 encoded data-fragments that should be decoded and saved as binary attachments for further processing (e.g. transformation by the TikaPipelet):
{ "_attachments" : [{ "name" : "att1.pdf", "content" : "VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZGVjb2RlZCBjb250ZW50Lg==" }, { "name" : "att2.docx", "content" : "VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZGVjb2RlZCBjb250ZW50Lg==" } ] }
The Pipelet it will
- look for the "_attachments" attribute (if not configured to look for another attribute containing the encoded data),
- use BASE64 decoding (currently only BASE64 is supported),
- decode the encoded strings into two attachments "att1.pdf" and "att2.docx" containing the binary representation of the encoded strings
- if configured, remove the "_attachments" attribute from the record (since the content is stored as an attachment, this makes much sense)
Consider the following case: you have a record with two binary attachments "att1.pdf" and "att2.docx", but you need for some special processing to provide the content in the metadata of the record, you can use the CodecPipelet to do so.
When configuring the "encode" configuration property to 'true', the CodecPipelet will add the following attribute to the Record's metadata:
{ "_attachments" : [{ "name" : "att1.pdf", "content" : "VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZGVjb2RlZCBjb250ZW50Lg==" }, { "name" : "att2.docx", "content" : "VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZGVjb2RlZCBjb250ZW50Lg==" } ] }
The pipelet will (if "encode" is configured to 'true'):
- use BASE64 encoding
- encode the two attachments "att1.pdf" and "att2.docx"
- put the encoded data as a string value into a map containing
- the name of the attachment
- the encoded content
- if configured, remove the attachments from the record
The configuration property is read from the pipelet configuration.
Property | Type | Read Type | Optional | Description |
encodedContentAttribute | A string value | runtime | true | The name of the attribute containing the encoded string represenation of the attachments. Default is "_attachments". |
codec | A string value | runtime | true | The codec to use. Currently only BASE64 is supported. Default is "BASE64". |
encode | A boolean value | runtime | true | If set to 'true' the pipelet encodes attachments to string attributes, if 'false' the pipelet decodes string attributes to attachments. Default is 'false'. |
removeInput | A boolean value | runtime | true | If set to 'true' the pipelet removes the input (i.e. the attachments when encoding, or the "_attachments" attribute when decoding). Default is 'false'. |
Imagine this example input to be decoded by the pipelet and the encoded strings to be removed after conversion:
{ "_recordid": "document0", "encodedAttachments" : [{ "name" : "att1.pdf", "content" : "VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZGVjb2RlZCBjb250ZW50Lg==" }, { "name" : "att2.docx", "content" : "VGhpcyBpcyB0aGUgZGVjb2RlZCBjb250ZW50Lg==" } ] }
The configuration must be as follows then:
<extensionActivity> <proc:invokePipelet name="decodeAttachments"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.CodecPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="result" output="result" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="encodedContentAttribute">encodedAttachments</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="removeInput">true</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet> </extensionActivity>
The output record will have two attachments, but does not contain the encoded strings, any more:
{ "_recordid": "document0" } + [att1.pdf, att2.docx]
Pipelet that writes record(s) (as BON) to the given store by using the given object id. The objectId parameter must be set in each record separately if multiple records should be processed and stored. Otherwise they overwrite each other.
See here for more information about the SMILA objectstore.
Property | Type | Read Type | Description |
store | string (must be a valid store name) | runtime | The store name where the input record(s) should be stored. |
objectId | string (must be a valid object id) | runtime | The object id under which the input record(s) should be stored. Must be set in each record's parameters if multiple records should be processed." |
Sample pipelet configuration in BPEL:
<proc:invokePipelet name="writeToStore"> <proc:pipelet class="org.eclipse.smila.processing.pipelets.StoreWriterPipelet" /> <proc:variables input="request" /> <proc:configuration> <rec:Val key="store">teststore</rec:Val> <rec:Val key="objectId">path/id</rec:Val> </proc:configuration> </proc:invokePipelet>
Sample input records with their own object id:
{ "recordid": "recId-1", "_parameters": { "objectId": "objectId-1" } ... } { "recordid": "recId-2", "_parameters": { "objectId": "objectId-2" } ... }