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SMILA/Documentation/Bundle org.eclipse.smila.clusterconfig.simple
Bundle org.eclipse.smila.clusterconfig.simple
This page gives only a rough overview of the components. Please refer to the JavaDoc for specific information.
The JavaDoc for the SimpleClusterConfigService API can be found at org.eclipse.smila.clusterconfig.simple.SimpleClusterConfigService.
The SimpleClusterConfigService implements the ClusterConfigService interface.
The interface ClusterConfigService is defined in org.eclipse.smila.clusterconfig.
The SimpleClusterConfigService reads a json file named clusterconfig.json from the configuration directory configuration/org.eclipse.smila.clusterconfig.simple. If no such file exists or not all configuration options are found, it will provide defaults as defined in the ClusterConfigService interface.
Example configuration file:
{ "taskmanager": { "maxScaleUp" : 5, "maxRetries": 10, "timeToLive": 120 }, "workers" : { "worker1" : { "maxScaleUp" : 1 } , "worker2" : { "maxScaleUp" : 2 }, "worker3" : { } }, "services" : { "smila" : { "httpPort" : 8080 } } }