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Riena/System Properties

Riena System Properties

There are few system properties that control Riena's behavior in production, development, testing, etc. This page collects them and explains them shortly.

System Properties
property name type default value affects description
riena.development boolean true Logging if true (default) and no logging has been configured, logging will produce output to System.out/err
riena.loglevel String "warn" Logging Log level settings for the org.eclipse.riena.core.logging.SystemPropertyLogFilter, possible values: "debug", "info", "warn", "error" and "none"
riena.manualproxies String null Communication allows to set manual internet proxy settings. See also: org.eclipse.riena.communication.core.proxyselector.ManualProxySelector
org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.port int null Communication Gets the jetty http port
riena.container.type String null Core,Security This system property may be used to tell Riena bundles (i.e. Security) whether they are running on the server or the client. This value is usually retrieved automatically. Sometimes it can go wrong and then you need to set it manually. Possible values are: "server" and "client"
riena.application.width int 800 UI defines the initial width of the application window
riena.application.height int 600 UI defines the initial height of the application window
riena.application.minimum.width int 800 UI defines the minimal width of the application window
riena.application.minimum.height int 600 UI defines the minimal height of the application window
HIDE_DISABLED_RIDGET_CONTENT boolean true UI controls whether disabled ridget do hide their content
riena.lnf String null UI Allows custom setting of the applications look and feel. For more information see org.eclipse.riena.ui.swt.lnf.LnfManager.
riena.lnf.setting.LnfKey String see RienaDefaultTheme UI Overwrites settings of the look and feel. Replace LnfKey with the name of the Look&Feel key: see org.eclipse.riena.ui.swt.lnf.LnfKeyConstants.
riena.lnf.update.view boolean false UI If true the Look&Feel settings are also applied for the widgets of the view. This is not a default behaviour because the settings only works for some properties of the SWT Widgets and also depends on the operations system.
riena.control.stats boolean false UI If true the creation of widgets will be monitored, i.e. all currently 'live' widgets and can be queried with the console command 'controlstats'. boolean true Security if false allows unauthenticated web service requests - Server property
riena.testing boolean false UI testing docu needed here boolean false Sonar example Enables/Disables Sonar menu
riena.textridget.directwriting boolean false Ridgets enables directwriting for all TextRidgets
riena.prepare.view boolean false UI, navigation enables also the creation of the view when the controller of a sub-module is prepared

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