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Try the Riena Snippets

The Riena Snippets page contains a growing collection of self-contained code examples that show you how to use ridgets ("Riena widgets") and what you can do with them. For a description what Ridgets are, look here

Try the communication ping pong example

  1. Import the 4 plugins *.communication.sample.pingpong.* from the target platform. (See #Import a Riena plugin)
  2. In the Run Dialog you can select which of the two components to run (under 'OSGi Framework').
    • Select the Bundles org.eclipse.equinox.console and and press the 'Add required Bundles' button for both of them before you start them!
    1. First, start the Riena Sample PingPong Server.
      • The server starts on port 8080, make sure it's not taken.
    2. Then start the Riena Sample PingPong Client.
  3. On success your client will print a message on the console: PingPong::Client:: [Pong] says = Thx. I got the ping!
  4. Switch to the server console; it should show a message like this: PingPong::Server:: [Ping] says = I ping you and you pong me
Import a Riena plugin
  1. File -> Import -> Plug-in Development -> Plug-ins and Fragments -> Next.
  2. Select "Projects with source folders" under "Import As" (since it's more fun with source code) -> Next.
  3. In the "Plug-ins and Fragments Found" Listbox, select the requested plugins and click Add and then Finish.

Try the unit tests

  1. Import the project org.eclipse.riena.tests from the target platform. (See #Import a Riena plugin)
  2. There are classes like AllTests on various levels that you can run as Junit Plugin Tests.
  3. You can also run individual tests as JUnit Plugin Tests.
Currently there are more than 3000 tests
They should all work. Some of them fail if you click or move the mouse while the tests are running (e.g. focus or UI tests).
Launch Error on starting tests
This sometimes happens when you launch a test as JUnit Plugin Test for the first time. => You will need to modify the launch configuration for this class:
  1. In the "Main" tab, change the field "Run an application" to "[No Application] - Headless Mode".
  2. In the "Plug-ins" tab:
    1. Launch with: choose "plug-ins selected below only".
    2. "Deselect All"
    3. Check/select the bundle containing the test you want to run.
    4. "Add Required Plug-ins"
  3. Apply. Run.
Classes ending with *ITest require a server.
That's the Riena App Sample Server (explained in the next step).

Install the Riena Sample App Server

Simple server with customer search web service:

  1. Stop any previously started client or server.
  2. Import the 4 projects,, and from the target platform. (See #Import a Riena plugin)
  3. Start Riena App Server from the Run Dialog:
    • Select the Bundles org.eclipse.equinox.console and and press the 'Add required Bundles' button before you start it!
    • This server starts on port 8080, make sure that port is not taken.
  4. That should bring up a simple app server with a secured customer search web service.

Run the Riena Example Client

  1. Import the project org.eclipse.riena.example.client from the target platform. (See #Import a Riena plugin)
  2. In the "Run Dialog -> Eclipse Application", there are five new entries. Depending on the target platform you have to select the right run configuration.
    1. For the target platform 3.x:
      1. Select the SWT ExampleApplication or SWT ExampleApplication (with alternative LnF) configuration.
      2. Add the plug-ins org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.rcp and org.eclipse.riena.ui.swt.3x and press the 'Add required Plug-ins' button before you start them!
        • Both launchers start the same application based on the same code, but using two distinct Riena Themes (different colors, fonts etc.).
    2. For the target platform 4.x:
      1. Select the SWT ExampleApplication E4
      2. Add the plug-ins org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.rcp and org.eclipse.riena.ui.swt.e4 and press the 'Add required Plug-ins' button before you start it!
    3. For the target platform RAP:
      1. Open the plugin.xml in the root folder of the project.
      2. Uncomment the extension for RAP at the end of the file. (Line 1721 - 1726)
      3. Run the Riena Example Client on RAP launcher.

Run the Riena Example Mail Client

  1. Import the project from the target platform. (See #Import a Riena plugin)
  2. Start Mail Sample (Riena UI) from the Run Dialog:
    1. For the target platform 3.x:
      1. Select at the Main tab Run an application and
      2. Add the plug-ins org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.rcp and org.eclipse.riena.ui.swt.3x and press the 'Add required Plug-ins' button before you start them!
    2. For the target platform 4.x:
      1. Coming soon
    3. For the target platform RAP:
      1. Open the plugin.xml in the root folder of the project.
      2. Add the extension: <extension point="org.eclipse.rap.ui.entrypoint"> <entrypoint id="example.application.entrypoint" applicationId="" path="/rap" /> </extension>
      3. Select the RAP Mail Sample (Riena UI)
      4. Add the bundles org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.rap and org.eclipse.riena.ui.swt.rap and press the 'Add required Plug-ins' button before you start it!

Run the Riena Demo

  1. Import the 4 projects org.eclipse.riena.demo.* from the target platform. (See #Import a Riena plugin)
  2. Select the Riena Demo Server launcher
  3. Add the Bundles org.eclipse.equinox.console and and press the 'Add required Plug-ins' button before you start them!
  4. Select the Riena Demo Client launcher
    1. For the target platform 3.x:
      1. Select at the Main tab Run an application and org.eclipse.riena.demo.client.application
      2. Add the plug-ins org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.rcp and org.eclipse.riena.ui.swt.3x and press the 'Add required Plug-ins' button before you start them!
    2. For the target platform 4.x:
      1. Select at the Main tab Run a product and org.eclipse.riena.e4.launcher.product
      2. Add the plug-ins org.eclipse.riena.navigation.ui.swt.rcp and org.eclipse.riena.ui.swt.e4 and press the 'Add required Plug-ins' button before you start them!
        • The missing icons will throw some Exceptions

Next Step

Get started with the Base concepts of Riena.

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