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RefApp 1

Item Description Owner Bugzilla Due
Higgins Reference Application 1.0 Higgins Token Service acting as a Microsoft CardSpace "managed card provider" to CardSpace running on WinXP and authenticating to a MediaWiki-based CardSpace Relying Party Dale and Paul December 4th
Client Managed Cards - creating/editing cards Andy 163616 November 14th
Client Cardspace to STS integration Mike, Andy, and Jim 163617 November 21st
Client STS configuration Jim, and Mike 163618 November 29th
Client STS to IdAS integration Jim and Mike 163366 November 29th
Idas LDAP IdAS CP - finalize Tom 163619 November 7th
Client SAML in STS Duane, Jim, and Mike 163620 November 14th
Relying Party Enable Media Wiki login using the CardSpace selector Daniel and Duane 163622 November 7th, Done, Can accept and parse SAML assertion from unmanaged cards
Relying Party RP Accepting STS/SAML tokens for identity data and authentication from managed cards Daniel 163621 November 7th
Reference Application 2.0 Mid January
Client Use the Higgins ISS on a non windows platform/browser
Reference Application futures Discovery

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