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Portland DemoCamp Presentations
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Here's a list of currently submitted abstracts.
An Automated Build System for Eclipse/ECF
This demo shows an automated build system implemented for the Eclipse ECF project. The system uses cruisecontrol and ant, runs on an OSU machine. It checks out code from the Eclipse repository, performs a headless build, and uploads the file to the eclipse/ecf web site. In addition extra builds are performed from a repository located on another OSU machine and made available from a web site hosted by that machine. The demo also shows how the automated build system can be remotely administered.
There's a lot left to do. Suggestions on what to do next and how to do it are strongly encouraged. Suggestions about how to do what we've done better are also encouraged!
Application Performance Diagnosis of Distributed Java Applications
The dynaTrace Diagnostics tool will be used to analyze a multi-tier application which spans across multiple Java and .NET tiers. The goal will be to dig down into the details of the system while it is under load, and determine the root cause of its sluggishness. The dynaTrace Diagnostics client GUI is built upon Eclipse and is the center of this demonstration. By observing this demonstration, one can see a good example of how to build powerful client GUIs based upon Eclipse.
Alternative Interfaces to Eclipse Refactoring Tools
Emerson Murphy-Hill, Portland State University
In the Multiview project at Portland State, we're working on building refactoring tools that programmers really want to use. Although Eclipse automates many refactorings, the interface to the tools don't look much different than the original Refactoring Browser for smalltalk. Today, we know more about how people do and would like to refactor. As a consequence, we've built (and will demo) a few prototypes to improve the user interface of current refactoring tools.
The Eclipse TPTP Java Profiler
Chris Elford, Intel Corporation
The Eclipse TPTP Java profiler is a powerful tool for analyzing the runtime behavior of Java applications and for identifying and isolating performance problems such as execution bottlenecks and object leaks. It features thread profiling to enable tuning threading issues, identifying critical path in your application and complete application statistics. As the size and complexity of Java applications grow, analyzing their performance at the required level becomes difficult. This motivated us in providing a profiling tool fully integrated with the Eclipse IDE to make it a part of your development work cycle. We will demonstrate how to configure and execute TPTP on a Java Application and show some of the resulting analysis views.
Whats new in Eclipse User Assistance
Chris Goldthorpe, IBM Corporation
Chris is a committer for Eclipse User Assistance and is developing several new features. He will give an brief overview of the changes that are being made for Eclipse 3.4
Shared Editing over Public IM with ECF
The ECF Project has recently been working on RT Shared Editing for Eclipse based upon the ECF Datashare API. We'll give a demo of a working shared editor running on public IM services (Google Talk and Jabber), some Integration with Mylyn and describe briefly how others can build this functionality into applications.