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Polarsys/Release Engineering/Definitions
Definitions for the Polarsys release engineering
Component, Package
A component is an Eclipse, Polarsys, or LTS component.
A Polarsys package is an Eclipse platform enriched by a set of selected and integrated components, to meet a need of Polarsys distribution. By analogy, the "Eclipse Modeling Tools" package is a distribution of Eclipse modeling tools. Examples of Polarsys packages:
- Polarsys Operational Package (POP): this package integrates certified components and respects a time-based planning, and especially the Eclipse release train (independently of the VLTS releases).
- Polarsys Experimental Package (PEP): this package integrates validated components; some are already certified.
In the future, Polarsys could be declined in other packages.
Release Planning
A Polarsys release planning schedules releases of Polarsys packages. Properties of a release: release number and date, released package, the list of integrated components.