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Dear Sir, Dear Madam,
As you may know, the Eclipse Foundation initiated few months ago a new Industry Working Group (IWG) named Polarsys.
The goal of Polarsys is to organize the open source and business ecosystem around tools for the development of dependable embedded systems in order to create better tooling and to enable long term support for these tools.
Polarsys focuses on four main points (see
- Open Innovation to create better methods and tools
- Computer Assistance and Automation with a focus on Model Based System Engineering
- Certification to ease the tools qualification in complex certification processes
- Very Long Term Support because Embedded Systems and tools may be maintained for 40 years or more
Polarsys addresses the whole Embedded software tool chain, from Model Based System Engineering with Topcased, to code analysis (Frama-C) or simulation engine (Unisim). For example, the Topcased project will move to Polarsys during year 2012.
We are pleased to invite you to an information and discussion meeting about Polarsys in Reston (Virginia) aside the Eclipse Con ( on Wednesday 28th March, at Hyatt Regency Reston, in Room Lake Fairfax B, from 1:30 to 4:30.
Due to the limited number of places, registration is mandatory to participate to the meeting -
If you are interested in the technologies Polarsys aims to develop, we suggest you to attend Eclipse Con 2012 (, as the best experts of the domain will present their work and cutting edge products at this occasion.
We hope to see you there.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information and to spread the word about this event.
Best regards,
Gaël Blondelle - gael.blondelle_at_obeo_dot_fr
Pierre Gaufillet - pierre.gaufillet_at_airbus_dot_com
Benoît Langlois - benoit.langlois_at_thalesgroup_dot_com
Ralph Mueller - ralph.mueller_at_eclipse_dot_org