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This pages lists both the Polarsys components and the components that are in the process of becoming Polarsys components.

We indicate the difference between a component hosted by Polarsys and a component managed by Polarsys. Indeed, in Polarsys, we also intend to manage (through Change Control Boards, ...) some components that are not hosted by Polarsys or the Eclipse Foundation.

Polarsys components

List of components accepted by the Polarsys Steering Committee.

No components has passed the Polarsys component creation process for the moment.

Polarsys candidate components

List of Components in the process of becoming Polarsys components.

These components are going through the process of becoming Polarsys components (Project creation process, adoption by the Polarsys Steering Commmittee, ...)

Component Short Description Status Proposed container Contacts Comments Project page
gPM generic Process Management Stable Mylyn?
Pierre Lévi (Airbus)
Raphaël Faudou (ATOS)
Fully customizable tracker including workflow management. Includes a server, a web client and an Eclipse client, a connector to SVN. Home gPM
Home gPM interop
Tutorial Eclipse gPM client
Tutorial gPM/VCS interoperability
Topcased AUI Abstract User Interface modeling tools Stable Eclipse Modeling Project?
Raphaël Faudou (ATOS) Graphical editor, gendoc specializations. Home
Topcased facilities Miscellaneous minor features Stable Polarsys Pierre Gaufillet (Airbus) Utilities like model cross-references view, text editor line sort, graphical model export to HTML, projects templates and GUI/modeling abstract classes. Home
Topcased Gendoc2 Documentation generator Stable Eclipse Modeling Project Anne Haugommard (ATOS) Generates docx, odt, etc. from templates. Based on EMF and Acceleo. Home
Topcased OCL tools End-users OCL tools Stable Eclipse Modeling Project Pierre Gaufillet (Airbus) OCL evaluator and model checker based on EMF, MDT OCL and Acceleo. Home
Topcased / MDT Papyrus connectors Connect Topcased features to Papyrus Development in progress MDT Papyrus?
Raphaël Faudou (ATOS) Provides Topcased features like requirement management, OCL, simulation, scripting, gendoc 2 and seamless GUI. Home
Topcased Requirement Textual Requirements management in EMF models Stable Polarsys?
Raphaël Faudou (ATOS) Companion tools to EMF based model editors (Topcased, MDT Papyrus, ECORE Tools). Home
Topcased SAM Structured Analysis Model editor and tools Stable Polarsys Pierre Gaufillet (Airbus) Graphical editor, OCL and scripting specializations, test plans generator based on Automata. Home
Topcased Scripting Topcased scripting framework Stable Eclipse Platform?
Eclipse modeling Project?
Pierre Gaufillet (Airbus) EMF based specific DOMS heavily relying on the now archived Eclipse Monkey (framework and javascript) and Python Monkey. Home
Topcased SMUC State Machine from UML Compiler Stable Eclipse Modeling Project?
Raphaël Faudou (ATOS) Generate implementations of state machines in various languages from UML models. Based on SMC. Home
Topcased UML/C Round-trip Round-trip UML/C generator/parser Development in progress Eclipse Modeling Project?
Fabien Toral (CS) Generate C from UML model and reverse manual C code modifications in the UML model. Home UML2C
Home C2UML
Topcased UML2EC Code generator from UML to embedded C Development in progress Polarsys Alexandre Cortier (ATOS) Generate C code matching embedded systems constraints from UML model. OPEES Experimentations
Topcased UML2Java Code generator from UML to Java Development in progress Eclipse Modeling Project?
Gaël Blondelle (OBEO) Java code generator from UML and Java reverse engineering to UML. Includes a Real Time specific generator. Not a round-trip tool yet. Home UML2Java
Home Java2UML
Tutorial Java reverse engineering
Topcased UML2Python Code generator from UML to Python Stable Eclipse Modeling Project?
Pierre Gaufillet (Airbus) Python code generator from UML. Home
EGF Generation Framework Stable Eclipse Modeling Project Benoit Langlois (Thales) Extensible generation framework EGF Home Wiki
Polychrony A toolset for embedded system design Stable Polarsys Loïc Besnard (Irisa/cnrs), Thierry Gautier (INRIA) System modelling, verification, code generation,... Polychrony Home Wiki
Kermeta Aspect oriented executable meta language for MDE Stable Eclipse Modeling Project?
Didier Vojtisek (INRIA) A language and a compiler allowing to weave behavior into metamodels. Typical usages : model simulation, model transformation, model checking, ... Kermeta Home Wiki
BIT Binary Interface Tool Stable Polarsys Jorge Rodríguez (Indra) Creation/edition/testing/simulation of binary messaging systems for machine-to-machine communication Download page Wiki
Geneauto UI Set of components for editing profiled Papyrus Activity Diagrams and convert them to GeneAuto compatible input files. Planned Polarsys Loïc SALVADO

Cédric GAVA (Alyotech Technologies)

Simulink-like editor which allow the end users to edit their geneauto models directly from within the polarsys platform using a graphical editor based on the UML Activity diagrams editor provided by papyrus. Wiki Download page
ArCon Architecture Conformance valitation tool Stable Polarsys Gert Johansson (Combitech) For validation of UML -models against architectural rules specified in an achitecture (meta)model modelled in Topcased/Papyrus Home)Download) wiki

MOSKitt4ME Methodological framework to support SPMs, CAME Environment, CASE generation Development in progress Polarsys Victoria Torres, DCS (UPV); Manoli Albert, DCS (UPV) MOSKitt4ME is a framework based on MOSKitt developed by the PROS Research center at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia that provides support for the construction os software production methods (SPMs). MOSKitt4ME involves the specification and execution of SPMs, specifically within the context of Eclipse projects. The framework offers (1) modeling tools, to allow method engineers the specification of SPMs, (2) model transformations, to automate as much as possible the construction of CASE tools supporting specifications of SPMs, and (3) project execution, to assist and help software engineers during the execution of such methods. Download page Wiki

Status: planned, development in progress, stable, obsolescent

Polarsys components whishlist

List of Components that Polarsys members would like to see managed by Polarsys.

Component/Project Interested company Contact name Project page
CDT Ericsson Dominique toupin Eclipse CDT project page

Polarsys Processes

List of Processes suggested by Polarsys members.

Process Interested company Contact name Process page
System Modeling for Real Time Simulators Space Application Services Gustavo Enrique Rangel System Modeling project page

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