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Platform Releng Draft Indigo plan
This page highlights the proposed items for the platform releng plan for the Indigo release. The most important thing we plan to accomplish this release is to move the 3.7 build to run completely on hardware. The 4.1 build currently runs on hardware but currently doesn't run any tests. We plan to to start running 4.1 tests on hardware once the tests are refactored to take into account new 4.0 internals. In addition, the 4.1 build is planned to be moved to Hudson so all committers can invoke it. These items are discussed in further detail in these meeting notes meeting notes
Milestone Plan
Milestone 1 (20100806)
- 3.6.1 maintenance work
- Change Eclipse Test framework to zipped p2 repo bug 310267
- Remove JUnit and perf tests running on 1.5 vm bug 321142
Milestone 2 (20100917)
- 3.6.1 maintenance work
- Mirror test bundles to repo bug 318514
- Consolidate 3.7 and 4.1 builds bug 324687
Milestone 2 (20101029)
- 3.6.1 maintenance work
- Remove old platforms bug 317309
- Consolidate 3.7 and 4.1 builds bug 324687
- Run compare tool against p2 repos instead of sdk bug 268851
- Decouple build and test bug 261388
- Create Hudson build to run JUnit tests on one platform bug 295393
- Run code coverage tool during builds bug 241254
Milestone 4 (20101210)
- 3.6.2 maintenance work
- Remove old platforms bug 317309
- Decouple build and test bug 261388
- Create Hudson build to run JUnit tests on one platform bug 295393
Milestone 5 (20110128)
- cronjobs to update content on from hudson builds bug 289783
- Change basebuilder to a product build bug 324682
- Reorganize build directory so only essential content is sent to mirrors bug 316620
- Decouple build and test bug 261388
Milestone 6 (20110311)
- reduce bug backlog
- Run code coverage tool during builds bug 241254