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Platform Releng Draft Helios plan
This page highlights the proposed items for the platform releng plan for the Helios release. The general themes for this release are making the build accessible to other committers, make the tests complete more quickly through leveraging cloud computing, replacing multiple platform zips with repos and making the build more modular.
- Invoke build on with hudson bug 247332
- Decouple build and test bug 261388
- Investigate tests in the cloud
- Modular build (Using chaining aspects of hudson)
- Install tests with director instead of using dropins bug 266486
- Replace many zips with repos bug 280622
- Switch to JUnit4 bug 153429
- Nova theme on build page, move all .php to instead of bug 262440
- Run compare tool against p2 repos instead of sdk bug 268851
- Disable skipErrors when mirroring bug 270627
- Add another windows machine to the performance test run for 3.6 bug 283026
- Verify packed packed jars in repo { bug 240855]
Milestone Plan
Milestone 1 (20090806140)
3.5.1 maintenance work
Replace many zips with repos bug 280622
Milestone 2 (200909170100)
3.5.1 maintenance work
Invoke build on with hudson bug 247332
Milestone 3 (20091030)
Deliver 3.5.1
Invoke build on with hudson bug 247332
Switch to JUnit4 bug 153429
Install tests with director instead of using dropins bug 266486
Add another windows machine to the performance test run for 3.6 bug 283026
Milestone 4 (20091112)
3.5.2 maintenance work
Invoke build on with hudson bug 247332
Switch to JUnit4 bug 153429
Add Linux GTK PPC 64 platform to the build bug 291827
Switch the build to use extssh instead of pserver to check out code bug 294900
Decouple build and test components of build bug 261288
Milestone 5 (20100129)
Invoke build on with hudson bug 247332
Decouple build and test components of build bug 261288
3.5.2 maintenance work
Run compare tool against p2 repos instead of sdk bug 268851
Disable skipErrors when mirroring bug 270627
Milestone 6 (20100312)
Invoke build on with hudson bug 247332
Decouple build and test components of build bug 261288
Run compare tool against p2 repos instead of sdk bug 268851
Verify packed packed jars in repo bug 240855
Disable skipErrors when mirroring bug 270627
3.5.2 maintenance work
Milestone 7 (20100430)
Nova theme on build page, move all .php to instead of bug 262440
Cross component items
- SWT - add support for linux gtk ppc 64 (new or updated platform)?
- Equinox - remove generator bundle to the benefit of the publisher. Community should be advised in advance, this has impact on other build teams.