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Platform Release Engineering Galileo Plan
This document is a work in progress describing the major changes that we would like to make during the Galileo release cycle.
Built for speed, faster tests we need
Run build with 1.6 vm to take advantage of compiler performance on multi-core processors Bug 237354
- Run tests in parallel on several machines to reduce testing time Bug 247320
Everyone builds
- Provide an releng product download to allow people can replicate our build environment.Bug 247324
- Invoke builds from web ui authenticated by eclipse committer rights Bug 247332
- Make build scripts more modular to allow shorter test runs bug 247330
- Mentor a new release engineer
- Investigate generic templates for complex build changes such as adding a new port and packaging. Bug 247334
- Implement prebuild validators Bug 64797
- Implement code coverage tools Bug 241254
Further leverage p2 and enhancements to PDE build
- See PDE Build Galileo plan - for example, parallel compilation, fetch using p2, p2 as the packager etc.
Blue sky ideas
- incremental build from p2 repository
- compile and sign at foundation, package locally, depends on availability of the eight vms we use
- Evaluate if platforms, or zips can be removed from the build, with scripts to build with p2
- Allow developers to contribute machines for testing
- RSS feeds for performance tests, JUnit tests
- Incremental test results
- Expose all our infrastructure to open source
Milestone Plan
We are still working on allocating resources to the milestone plan.
Run build with 1.6 vm Bug 237354 Kim Moir, IBM
Evaluate common failures determine how they can be mitigated. Rewrite if necessary. Bug 247327 Kim Moir, IBM
JUnit 4 in test framework Bug 153429 Kim Moir, IBM
Make build scripts more modular to allow shorter test runs bug 247330 Kim Moir, IBM
3.4.x performance baselines Bug 245693
Further leverage p2 and enhancements to PDE build introduced in M3. See PDE Build Galileo plan - for example, parallel compilation and fetch using p2.
Add macosx cocoa x86 and cocoa x86_64 builds. bug 256459
Add support for new OSGi/Minimum-1.2 Execution Environment bug 253030
test composite repositories in build bug 261565
Implement composite repositories bug 261565
Test changes to switch build to using p2 publisher bug 266488
Implement solaris.gtk.x86 builds bug 272211
RC items
Added s390 and s390x early access builds bug 269420