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Sample Releng Project
This document describes the recipe ingredients you need to assemble to run your build in a similar manner to the platform builds. The assumption is that that you have already created plugins and features that you would like to contribute to the build.
Draft - Last updated March 16, 2006.
This document is a work in progress, we just moved to a new grouped builds process the week of March 17, 2006
- CVS, Zip and tar executables.
- A Linux build machine.
- JUnit or Performance Test machines.
- JDKs to compile against and run the build.
- A runtime and/or sdk feature
- A test feature
- A map file project
- A builder project that includes files to feed PDE Build: and customTargets.xml, packaging scripts if required
- Build bootstrap script
- A master ant script to control the build from start to finish
- The org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder project from
- Publishing scripts
- Infrastructure to distribute your build.
Create a map file project
For example,
plugin@org.eclipse.plugin1=v20060314-0800,, plugin@org.eclipse.plugin2=v20060317-0800,, plugin@org.eclipse.plugin3=v20060318-1200,,,
Create your builder project
Define and customTargets.xml to feed PDE Build.
Create your build bootstrap script
Example: Platform-releng-sample-bootstrap
Actual platform bootstrap script is here*checkout*/org.eclipse.releng.eclipsebuilder/Attic/
Create a master ant script that controls build from start to finish
The platform master script is here...
Check out org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder
cvs -d co org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder
We recommend that you use the latest stable tag. Look here latest stable tag of org.eclipse.releng.basebuilder for the latest stable tag.