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We fixed / closed over 100 bugs in this release!


  1. Final support for PHP 7 scalar type declarations bug 469267
    Pdt40 scalar.png
  2. Support for Eclipse Neon smart import bug 476862
    Pdt40 smart import.png
  3. Validator for non abstract methods without body bug 480280
    Pdt40 no body.png
  4. Since 4.0 PDT uses the significantly faster DLTK 5.5 Lucene indexer, instead of the old H2 indexer bug 492870
  5. Better error messages for unsupported PHP versions (especially for legacy versions) bug 493263
  6. Better task tags (eg. @todo) detection bug 492373
    Pdt40 task tags.png
  7. Use statement validator no longer analyze PHP comments (except phpdoc) bug 477908
    Pdt40 use.png
  8. Validator for multiple access modifiers (eg. public private function) bug 486166
    Pdt40 multiple access modifiers.png
  9. Methods and functions are visible as "void" only if haven't return and yield statements. Otherwise have declared return type or "mixed" bug 469508
    Pdt40 return types.png
  10. PHP 5.6 variadic parameters have "..." in function labels (Code Assist, Hover, Outline) bug 493917
    Pdt40 variadic label.png
  11. Optimized size of New PHP Project wizard bug 495271


  1. Constants are no longer suggested after "implements" keyword bug 492245
  2. Simple types (int, bool, string...) for PHP >= 7 return types bug 492424
    Pdt40 return sugestion.png
  3. Basic JavaScript Code Assist for projects without JavaScript nature bug 492981
  4. "class" keyword code assist for anonymous class bug 493077
  5. Improved support around @inheritdoc (coloring and code assist) bug 491991
  6. Since 4.0 more semantic highlighters are enabled by default, for example class, deprecation and constants highlighter bug 436044
    Pdt40 default highlighters.png
  7. Improve highlighting for "array" type bug 463556
    Pdt40 array highlight.png
  8. Add support for "instanceof" and "insteadof" in class semantic highlighter bug 470782
    Pdt40 class instanceof.png
  9. Assign to local quick assist (ctrl/cmd + 2 + L) bug 479088
    Pdt40 assign to local.png
  10. General performance improvements for PHPDoc generation bug 489791 bug 466694
  11. Smart parenthesis works correctly inside closures bug 493134
  12. Hyperlinks and code assist no longer freeze UI if indexing is in progress bug 488084
  13. Syntax highlighter now fully support PHP 7 context sensitive keywords - no longer highlight as PHP keywords bug 475958
    Pdt40 context sensitive.png
  14. Deprecated highlighting is show even if class in same namespace bug 486166
  15. "abstract" keyword is no longer proposed inside method body bug 491784
  16. Function / method return types are available in Content Assist proposals bug 494800
    Pdt40 ca return types.png
  17. Content Assist now support colored labels bug 494794
    Pdt40 colored labels.png
  18. Content Assist and Hover tooltips shows function / method return types bug 494237
  19. "Properties" item has been removed from editor context menu bug 494455
  20. Quick Source and Quick Refactor menu bug 384340
    Pdt40 quick menu.png
  21. Add support for "Word wrap", "Block selection", "Show white space characters" action in PHP editor toolbar bug 494454
    Pdt40 editor actions.png
  22. Quick Outline saves size and location bug 494859


  1. OSX support improvements bug 488630
  2. Improvements in debugger variables support bug 487966 bug 490697
  3. No longer display outdated values bug 477241
  4. Fix ignored breakpoints bug 489646
  5. Added support for class statics inside namespace bug 492992
  6. Remove PDT "Parameter Stack" view bug 492010
  7. [Zend Debugger] Fix variables fetching with static context in PHP 7 bug 493839
  8. Fix 'Display debug information' saving bug 493154


  1. "Short method return types" are enabled by default in all PDT views bug 469503
  2. Better integration with eclipse Project Explorer. Support for PHP Project elements and specific actions. bug 480376 bug 480374 bug 494124 bug 494124 bug 494253
  3. Support for traits in PHP Project Explorer when "group by namespace" is active bug 488685
  4. PHP Language Library have PHP Version badge bug 494137
    Pdt40 php version badge.png
  5. "Add PHP support..." no longer visible in PHP-enabled projects bug 494299
  6. Fixed regression during updating PHP file outline with PHP < 5.3 bug 494286

Adopters / Extenders

  1. API cleanup, a lot of @deprecated methods and classes has been removed bug 492330 bug 493467
  2. AST StaticFieldAccess now is built correctly between PHP Versions 489554
  3. Outdated PhpDemoProject has been removed bug 480103
  4. PHPVersion enum has been added to API bug 452480
  5. Quick menus are extendable via org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point
    Source: popup:org.eclipse.php.ui.edit.text.source.quickMenu
    Refactor: popup:org.eclipse.php.ui.edit.text.refactor.quickMenu

Full bugs list for this release cycle

 4.0.0 -

Previous News&Noteworthy page

 3.7.0 -

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